My [hider=WIP!Sienna Rodriguez][center][IMG] [/IMG] [url=]Theme Song | Shooting Star – Owl City[/url] [s][/s] ►[color=violet]N A M E[/color]◄ Sienna Rodriguez ►[color=violet]N I C K N A M E[/color]◄ None (unless another character gives her one) ►[color=violet]A G E[/color]◄ 17 ►[color=violet]G E N D E R[/color]◄ Female ►[color=violet]S E X U A L I T Y[/color]◄ Straight ►[color=violet]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/color]◄ Single ►[color=violet]H O U S E[/color]◄ Ravenclaw ►[color=violet]Y E A R[/color]◄ Seventh ►[color=violet]W A N D [/color]◄ [hider=Willow wood, Phoenix Feather Core, 10 and 1/4 inches long, Slightly Springy](From the official Pottermore website) Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow. Phoenix Feather This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won. [/hider] ►[color=violet]P A T R O N U S[/color]◄ Okapi [img][/img] ►[color=violet]B O G G A R T[/color]◄ Sienna doesn’t know how to swim and is afraid of drowning. When approached by a boggart, it surrounds her as though she is submerged underwater. ►[color=violet]B L O O D S T A T U S[/color]◄ Half-blood ►[color=violet]P E T[/color]◄ Tawny Owl named Dally [img][/img] ►[color=violet]A P P E A R A N C E[/color]◄ She has grey-tinged dark brown hair that she tends to wear straight, brown skin from her Latina/African heritage, shy brown eyes, and she usually wears plum-colored lipstick. Her clothing style is goth-chic; she likes to wear dark colors, usually dresses or skirts with tights and combat boots. She has the dark mark on the inside of her right thigh; hence the constant wearing of tights to hide it. She has her septum pierced, double piercings in each earlobe and a cartilage piercing in her right ear, a belly button piercing which is a snowflake charmed to float, and a magical tattoo of a phoenix taking flight that spans from her left hipbone to the top of her left ribcage; it can flap its wings and change position like magical art can. She is 5'5" tall and is very slim, and not particularly athletic. ►[color=violet]L I K E S[/color]◄ Fizzing Whizbees, cold wintery weather, singing, flying, reading, and Charms class ►[color=violet]D I S L I K E S[/color]◄ The Dark Arts, playing sports (she likes to watch them, though), bullies, unnecessarily loud people, and large crowds ►[color=violet]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color]◄ Sienna has always felt like the odd one out. The only thing she feels comfortable about is her sense of style. She has a beautiful singing voice, and was never allowed to sing at home because it was too cheerful. Because of the dark nature of her father and brother, there were many things Sienna couldn’t do at home. She couldn’t laugh or speak out of turn or sing or dance; so it became difficult for her to find ease in doing such things once she got to Hogwarts. The past six years of student life have helped her to be herself, but upon returning home in the summer, she always had to revert to the behavior her father deemed ‘acceptable’. He tried to get her into an arranged marriage with an awful young wizard who treated her poorly but lost interest once Sienna’s father disowned her and kicked her out. Upon being forced to leave, Sienna got her phoenix tattoo as a symbol of her intentions to take flight and bring light to the world, rather than darkness. She already had her piercings, which, surprisingly, had been approved by her father when she was 15. Sienna stayed at The Leaky Cauldron for a few days, until her final year of school began. Sienna finds comfort in spending time in Hogwarts’ vast library, singing in the choir, and perfecting charms and spells. Charms class is her favorite, although she also enjoys Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures. She doesn’t like Defense Against the Dark Arts only because it makes her think about her father and brother; but she considers it to be one of her most important classes, because she hopes to possibly become an Auror or go into a profession that despises and halts the efforts of dark wizards. ►[color=violet]F A M I L Y N A M E[/color]◄ Sienna ‘s father and 20-year-old brother are dark wizards. Her mother was a Muggle whom her father truly loved enough to renounce his dark ways; but with her death left all the hope and light Sienna had for her remaining family members. Her father fell into darkness once more and raised his children to value the Dark Arts and ways of the dark wizards. Sienna doesn’t want to follow in her family’s footsteps, and her father disowned her at the end of summer before her Seventh year. Sienna isn’t sure where she will go or what she will do after graduating from Hogwarts. ►[color=violet]P L A C E O F O R I G I N[/color]◄ Sienna was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico; her father’s hometown. Her family moved to England when she was 3, and her mother, a Muggle, died when she was 6. When Sienna first mastered the corporeal Patronus Charm, it took on the form of an Okapi, which was her mother’s Animagus form. ►[color=violet]H I S T O R Y[/color]◄ At least two detailed paragraphs. ►[color=violet]E X T R A[/color]◄ Anything else we should know about your character?[/center] [/hider]