[@Phaesaris][@NightmareInd] Petalwhisker fixed her gaze on the next warrior who entered the den. It was Sunflame. She was about to hush him as well until she heard Shadowkit's voice as he got up from his fake sleep. She gave a small sigh and nodded. "Good morning Sunflame." she said instead of hushing the tom. With the small crowd that was gathering in the nursery, Petalwhisker seemed a tad uncomfortable. There was more visitors than usual today. [hr] Oakstar nodded to Sharpthorn as ventured off for now. His gave briefly flickered over to his deputy as he left to relax as well. Oakstar had picked up on his issues with addressing she-cats. It would be a problem if he were to ever be leader. He was level-headed and reasonable as he didn't jump into fights without thinking first but if he couldn't address half of his clan surely there would be more difficulty than need be. Oakstar heaved a sigh and pushed it to the back of his mind for now. He still had his nine lives. Perhaps when he reached the last two he would attempt to solve that issue somehow. [hr] [@KahleenCuthald] [@CLIW] Harepaw halted mid stride as he heard the voice of his leader. He gave a soft scowl and lashed his tail once before slowly turning to approach his leader. Pausing for only a quick moment, he casted a cold look at his mentor as if to say [i]Don't enjoy this too much.[/i] With that done, he finished the small walk over to Boulderstar and sat down. He kept his head held high and his ears slightly back. "What is it?" he said in a bitter tone. It was clear he didn't completely respect his leader, or anyone for that matter. But it was still a tad more than what he had shown for his mentor which was shown by the fact that he did listen even despite his bad attitude. [hr] [@PrettyWalrus] Sootpaw gave a small nod. "Alright!" she meowed cheerfully. She sniffed the air just for a moment once again just to make sure. "The finches. There's a small flock of them which means one of them could be on the ground, especially since they like dirt baths quite a bit... Guess we have to be super quite to sneak up on them though." she said, lowering the sound of her voice as she realized how quick birds are to fly off when they hear a small noise. [hr] Pearpaw emerged from the apprentice's den stretching out her legs. She eyed the camp curiously to see what was going on. It seemed Harepaw was being a pain in the tail as usual. She didn't understand why he had chosen to be a clan cat if he had no intentions of trying to accommodate to this new life. Oh well, it wasn't her business to pry though she did pity Screefoot. The warrior seemed that she would have made a fair and good mentor if only she had gotten a less irritable apprentice. The she cat yawned and laid down in the sun. She wasn't sure what she'd be doing as far as training today but she looked forward to whatever was to come. Her stub of a tail wiggled eagerly. She didn't even bother with getting some food first. Besides, she wasn't all that hungry anyways. Not yet at least.