[@OtterTerror] Harepaw slowly approached Boulderstar. She was aware of his mentor overhearing their conversation, just as she was aware of the look the apprentice shoot his mentor. Once he reached her, she meowed to him. "Good morning, Harepaw." She felt the darting eyes of his mentor on her. Obviously SCreefoot was curious what the leader had to say. "I noticed you are a little unmotivated today." Everyday would be right, but Boulderstar didn't say that. "I was thinking you might feel a little underrated. I have an important duty for you to take." Boulderstar lifted her head up to show her higher rank a little. "Me and my deputy are going to check the western borders and I want you to accompany us." She left the offer hanging for a second, before she added the last sentence. "Only if you feel prepared, though. You're not afraid, are you?" Boulderstar felt like the apprentice needed a lesson to be taught, but scolting wouldn't work on this cat. She knew Harepaw had potential and she was not gonna let it go to waste. Her deputy has been politely silent all this time. But Boulderstar wouldn't mind his words in this conversation.