[center][h1][color=darkred]Lex Henderson Los Angeles, California[/color][/h1][/center] After an uneventful taxi ride, Lex found himself a few blocks away from site where the school once stood. He would have gotten a lot closer but between the heavy flow of traffic and the road blockades, it wasn’t happening. He didn’t enjoy having to walk in this heat, but a job had to be done. Besides, he had to prove a point to his uncle that there was real business for men like them out here on the west coast. As he strolled near what used to be the school, Lex kept an eye out for law enforcement in the area. He couldn’t believe how the school now looked, but he needed to keep focus. From the looks of things, Lex would say that the authorities were still trying to dig bodies out. People waited outside the barricades, though they wanted to so badly push past them to find their loved ones. Lex sighed knowing he wouldn’t be getting by the barricade too easily. [i]Just great… I should have known this would be the case… I don’t even know where to start.[/i] Lex looked towards a man who was waiting outside the barricade. “Do they know who did it?” Lex asked the stranger. “No… It’s been the same old story for the past half an hour. School was here, and then the school was flattened. No doubt in my mind that it was one of those freaks.” The man sounded tired of not knowing what was going on. His frustration was easy to read as he furrowed his eye brows and grit his teeth behind the concealment of his lips. “Damn… Those damn monsters think they can do whatever they want now that cat is out of the bag.” Lex commented with disgust. “Yeah.” The man said as Lex’s words seemed to echo in his thoughts. He looked to an officer texting on her phone as he balled his fists. “Hey! How about you do your damn job and find out who did this! My daughter is probably dead and all you care about is fucking texting! You already know it was one of those freaks!” Lex took a step back and smirked as the man exploded with anger. Lex always felt he had a way with getting people to react how he wanted, and this was no different. The man had said what several had already been thinking. His sudden outburst made them speak out as well. [i]Perfect, now to look for the few people that are way too…[/i] Lex’s eye color suddenly changed from a brown to a dark red. With the color, his vision also changed. Using his powers, Lex was able to see the bioelectric signatures of others given off by their neural impulses. Right now he could see a lot of panicked and angered people, police officers on edge, and rescue authorities either exhausted or stressed. Lex scanned around before spotting someone who was a bit off by himself. [i]…calm. Bingo.[/i] Lex’s eyes shifted back with a blink as he made his way toward the man who was on his phone. Lex wasn’t very book smart, but his cleverness got him very far. Lex did something very out of order as he walked quickly towards the man who was now wondering what Lex’s deal was. “I know why you’re here” Lex said confidently as he stared the man down. The man’s eyes widened in shock instead of confusion, and that’s when Lex knew something was up. The man pushed Lex and began running from the scene. “Really?” Lex said as he allowed his eyes to change vision again. “This should be fun.” He said quietly to himself before walking after the man. Since he could see the man’s bioelectric presence, he was not too afraid of him getting a head start. Lex gave the man quite a distance while he tried to get out of the sight of local law enforcement. Once Lex was at a distance he deemed fine, he took a breath. Dark red electricity suddenly flashed around his body, before vanishing. He had charged his nerves and muscles with an electrical pulse before striding forward and moving at inhuman speed. At the moment he was holding the speed of about 30 miles an hour, not extremely fast, but he figured it was enough. He could tell the man was trying to use back alleys to escape, which Lex found to be convenient for him. Lex didn’t want to catch this guy in a crowd. He liked attention, but that was doing too much. Lex followed the man, to a deaden d, but it wasn’t by the man’s incompetence. The man held a silenced 9mm pistol up towards Lex who smiled at the sight. “Damn you’re better than I thought you’d be.” Lex said as he watched the man squeeze the trigger.