Nightmist’s gaze was on the other OakClan cats and she barely noticed Ripplepaw pad up behind her on silent paws. The apprentice had a tendency to glide unnoticed among other cats, and her stealth gave her an advantage in catching prey in the forest—Nightmist approved. “Good morning, Ripplepaw,” she mewed, turning around to face the silver she-cat. She shrugged, a keen look on her face. “Well, you’re here now. We should get started. The freshkill pile seems well stocked this morning, so I was thinking we would do some battle training,” she said, her tail pointing at their store of prey. She stood and made her way out of the camp, preferring to walk in shadow where her dark pelt blended in more with her surroundings. She was pleased with the choice of apprentice because, in many ways, she found that she and Ripplepaw were similar, and would be able to use the same strategies in hunting and combat. “Tell me, Ripplepaw, have you had much experience in combat?” Their destination was a rocky clearing with some trees near the camp, a place that mentors were finding useful for practicing battle moves. [@Phaesaris] [hr] Amberleaf nodded as Boulderstar mentioned checking up on the rest of the Clan. It was a good idea, one of many that made Amberleaf respect the calico she-cat’s leadership. He watched as she called over Harepaw, with Screefoot not far behind. He gave the mentor a reassuring look to let her know her presence was welcome. Amberleaf sat up straight and fixed Harepaw with a mild gaze as Boulderstar proceeded to talk to him. He would follow Boulderstar’s lead in this, and he didn’t think yelling at the apprentice would solve anything, either. Boulderstar seemed to agree, since she invited Harepaw to join them on their patrol. The deputy nodded to himself. Harepaw didn’t seem to be adjusting well to Clan life yet, but he had some admirable qualities that would make him a great warrior, if only his attitude could be changed. “We would appreciate the extra eyes and ears,” Amberleaf only mewed, betraying none of his thoughts to the apprentice. He would not rise to Harepaw’s irritable disrespect either. There was not much more to say at this point, he thought. Seeing Pearpaw lying by the apprentice den, he gestured for her to come over with a wave of his tail. "Pearpaw! Join us. We'll be patrolling the western border today," he called. Then, pitching his voice low so only Boulderstar would hear, he added, "I think Screefoot should join us too, if you weren't thinking of that already. It would be good for her to see how we handle Harepaw." [@KahleenCuthald] [@CLIW] [@OtterTerror]