[b]Oakclan[/b] [@CondorTheMole ] Witheredpaw rolled over to her back, paws up to the dens roof spinning around like a playful weasel. Yawning she listened the Eelpaw, glancing him when he stopped talking "You sure, you want to speak your mentor that way? If he never hear what did you say about him...he will totally kick your butt..." she meowed tiredly scrolling back on her belly and stretched her limbs, so that the bones crackled. [s][/s] [b]Boulderclan[/b] Copperpaw still sleeped his nest when the bright light touched his face, opening his eyes tiredly gazing the light "...light...sun..LIIGHT" His eyes exploded open in shock when he relazed that was almost midday "Oh! nonono...not again...I slept again for too long..." he meowed jumping up to his messy nest "...great...Roseclaw will kill me.." he sighed as he padded out to the clan clearning, looking if he could see his mentor somewhere *Maybe she is in the Nursery* he thought walked to see the nursery *..no..not there... maybe in elders den* he thought turning toward the elders den to look *...not there either...hmm! maybe she go to collect some herbs...* he thougth sitting down to think, when he noticed a the familiar colored fur at the fresh kill pile. Jumping to his paws again he run toward the medician cat "Roseclaw...I am sorry..I sleeped too loo.." he meowed but he did not manage to tell the end when his paw hit the country of vine and he crashed to the ground "..ouch...This is not my day..." he muttered spitting of sand out of his mouth. [@Phaesaris ] Snowthorn sat outside the Warriors den little dissapointed to herself. She had wanted to go patrol together with Amberleaf but of course she was too shy to open her mouth when he gathered the patrol. Dissapointed to herself she quietly just looked at the fresh kill pile, feeling that she hasen't not right to go eat there, especially when she has not yet done anything for her clan. Aspenclaw jumped to his already old paws when heared the leader to call his name about the patrol. Making a quick noo to the leader he maked his way toward the Vinetail. Stopped near to the brown younger warrior "So..shall we go to the patrol?" he meowed in his usual grumpy way.