[@KahleenCuthald][@AngelKitten] Harepaw gave a small snort at his leader's first words. Unmotivated wasn't quite the term to fit him and feeling under-appreciated was only the tip of the iceberg. In a way, he was testing the strength of his clan and whether or not he would truly find his home here. Still, there were very aggravating parts that only fueled his poor attitude. Why waste his time training when he could hunt and support himself just fine? His ears went back slightly further as she asked if he was afraid. Afraid? Him? Never. "I didn't disagree to going now did I?" he said, his lip slightly curled. He was no coward, that much was certain in the way he seemed unafraid to pick a fight with any cat. His glaring, green gaze shifted over to the deputy. He said nothing in response and merely turned waiting for the others to leave the camp. His glare then transferred over to the younger she-cat that was Amberleaf's apprentice. Harepaw rolled his eyes. Such a terrible choice of taking the tail-less cat along. She would only slow them down after all. Pearpaw perked her ears up at the sound of her mentor's voice. She quickly got up to her paws and began to bound over to the small group. "Ok." she meowed in a polite tone. She eyed her den mate as she came up besides her mentor and leader. Harepaw wasn't exactly a very easy cat to get along with and Pearpaw often tried to keep her distance from him. She still had a lot to learn, both in hunting and fighting, which required patience. Something Harepaw clearly lacked. Whenever the two clashed, it was always very one-sided. Pearpaw was a relatively gentle cat and backed down whenever Harepaw crossed her path. She sighed, seeing as how he would be on this patrol as well but otherwise didn't say a thing as she waited for orders. [hr] [@PrettyWalrus]Sootpaw glanced over at her mentor with excited eyes. "I'll try on my own." she said quickly once given the option. The rest of what he said went in one ear and out the other as the small she cat crouched down and began to make her way towards the birds. She kept low to the ground and moved forward at a quick pace until the birds came into view. Just as she had predicted, a couple of them fluttered around the ground pecking at small bugs. Her tail swayed slowly from side to side as she inched closer. Sootpaw was almost ready to launch her attack but sadly, she had forgotten one key component in hunting and that was watching where you placed your paws. She crunched some dry leaves when she took another small step forward and sent the birds flying. Sootpaw let out a hiss of frustration and sprung forward with the help of her powerful back legs. She attempted to hook a claw or two onto one of the birds before they got away but failed, falling to the ground empty handed.