[center][h3][color=#00B300][b]Wave[/b][/color][/h3] [@CondorTheMole] [@MonkeyBusiness][/center] [color=#00B300]”Yo, are you sure your Uncle will be good making meals for four people Tony? I mean, I can understand two people but do four? That’s just crazy mate.”[/color] Wave said as a way to change the subject from Tony’s embarrassing comment. He was also worried about having to deal with making the food himself if the Chef wasn’t willing on creating meals for four people. He would have to be the most generous man to care for three more people than the one he had already agreed to before. The four of them would make for some crazy battles and gyms but it would also mean more pokemon to care for. Wave just didn’t know if he could cater to each and every pokemon the crew had. [color=#00B300]”Well, either way I would be able to care for the pokemon in the very least. I’m sure I can make type specific pokefood for your pokemon though I must say it will be quite the hassle making meals for all of them.”[/color] Wave said as he rubbed the back of his head.