[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLmI4YzBjYy5VbWwyWlhKemIyNW4uMg,,/indelible.regular.png[/img] The Queen had been sitting on her patch of grass, grooming her tail when the kit had approached her, hesitant and shy though she was clearly nervous with all the larger cats around them. Taking her tail from her tongue she laid it on the grass beside her, indicating for the kit to sit next to her, where she could keep her warm and safe with her tail. Riversong had always liked kits, even before she had become a loner cat after being abandoned by her house folk, and wanted some of her own though she was just in the final stages of that goal now. The young one beside her was an orphan, fed by Ravenfeather, though the silver and black she-cat would have readily taken in her and her brother if she had had the milk for them. For now she acted as a comforting and guiding force for them, soft and gentle when they needed it. [color=#98AFC7]"Good morning Willowkit."[/color] The Queen said to the small she-cat, leaning over to lick the top of the kits head since there was a peice of fur sticking up wildly. [color=#98AFC7]"I slept fine. What about you?"[/color] [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmFiMGNjNi5Sbkp2YzNSM2FHbHphMlZ5LjA,/mrs-sheppards.regular.png[/img] The she-cat purred as her mate leaned against her, licking her head as he spoke. He'd never liked when she was out alone, especially at night, but some flowers she needed only bloomed after moonrise. [color=#4E387E]"Yes; I found a new patch of Goldenrod not too far away, I was making sure it wouldn't be eaten by mice."[/color] The Medicine Cat explained to her mate, flicking his side with her tail as if to scold him for worrying so much about her. She was a grow cat, aware of how to protect herself if she must. Healing was simply preferred, and something she was good at. Glancing at the tom that walked away from them she watched him quietly, aware of his problems with females though she knew he would have to get over it in time. [color=#4E387E]"Perhaps I should give him Goatweed to ease his nervousness."[/color] She thought, wondering aloud to her mate though she realized quickly that this wasn't the time or place to discuss possible treatments and aids for the tom. [color=#4E387E]"If we bring along one of the younger apprentices I can shown them the basics of what I look for, since usually an apprentice goes with me."[/color] She suggested, looking for one of the few that either lacked a mentor thus far, or were too new to be scent marking the borders. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLjBmNjFkNy5SbVZoZEdobGNuZG9hWE5yWlhJLC4w/funkrocker.regular.png[/img] It really had been a while since the warrior had ever interacted with kits and Queens, since she wasn't an apprentice anymore and had no desire to have her own litter or two. So when Petalwhisker motioned for her to keep quiet she realized how loud she'd been and lowered her ears embarrassed to have been too disruptive. She had been getting ready to leave them be when the Queen had asked her about apprenticeship and everything that came with it. She'd never been an apprentice here, but had helped out quite often until they had competent ones so she knew their duties well. Sitting down between nests the silver tabby looked at the two in front of her and nearly laughed. The Queen was worried about her son. [color=#1589FF]"Don't worry about it. Frostwhisker asked me to make sure you had everything you needed; I think knowledge is one of those things."[/color] Featherwhisker, apart from Firelight, had always been the most likely to jest with serious cats in their family, though her parents were known to crack the odd joke or two. [color=#1589FF]"Chores, mostly. Check the elders for ticks, help out around camp. Whatever their mentor tells them to do that's reasonable. If they feel unfairly treated they can go to Oakstar, Frostwhisker or Sharpthorn about it and they'll get everything sorted out."[/color] The silver warrior paused, thinking of what else she had done when the clan barely started, and the things she still sometimes helped out with.[color=#1589FF] "Their mentors teach them how to hunt and fight properly, so they can provide for and defend those who can't help themselves. Like the kits and elders. Sometimes Frostwhisker will take one of the younger ones will her to collect herbs, since having a very basic knowledge of what not to eat is usually a good idea."[/color] Featherwhisker looked up at the top of the nursery, trying to think of anything she missed before looking at the two in front of her again. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmIwNDcyMS5RbkpwYlhCbGJIUSwuMA,,/pitch-display.regular.png[/img] The tom sat close to the camp entrance, perched on top of a large rock with a good view of most of the camp. He could see Riversong with Willowkit, others eating and some leaving in twos or threes to go hunting. They would need to organize a patrol before long if they were going to drive away the loners and rogues that still wandered into their territory unannounced. He had to admit though, the rogues that dared to cross the scent line weren't afraid of anything since his own scent was often added to the mix. Most likely those still out there thought him weak for joining the clan of mountain cats and to be true it had been a rather weak and pathetic move. But he had gotten many of his companions inside too. They were well fed, sheltered and didn't worry about having to sleep at night. Weakness, but smart. He was a proud warrior, one of the best to have joined either of the clans, but Boulderstar had not been blind to how he was. He was ruthless, dauntless and, to his credit, the biggest asshole here. But he was capable, and worth the effort, since he pulled his own weight plus several others. The patrol gathered and left as he watched, taking both the leader and the deputy out with it and his tisked quietly in his head. Who was going to enforce the rules and protect the others now that most of their skilled warriors were gone? Brimpelt murred in amusement, jumping down from his rock and walking over to Snowthorn. He had noticed the way she looked at Amberleaf, his longing gaze and the way she stumbled around him. It was obvious to him how shy she was, though he had no problem walking over to the she-cat and standing just in front of her. His piercing green eyes found her gaze, and he smirked lightly. [color=7E3817]"The fresh-kill pile is looking bare this morning. Let's go catch something for the kits and us."[/color] He suggested, his tabby coat dark in comparison to her light one. Like night and day they were, his shyness and his confidence; her innocence and his darkness. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmY2NTkwNC5VMjF2YTJWd1lYYywuMA,,/last-living-souls.regular.png[/img] The apprentice had been fast asleep when he heard the alarmingly loud voice of Featherwhisker, the demanding and yet somehow understanding warrior. She was young, but older than him by enough to have her own apprentice - though she didn't currently have one assigned to her. He started, bolting upright fast enough to hit is head off of the wood that sheltered the Apprentice Den. The tom knew that the others there would notice, Witheredpaw and Eelpaw were wide awake and talking already. He had always slept in the lowest part of the den, since he only ever stayed to sleep before going and finding a patrol to tag along with the learn. More often than not he would go out with Featherwhisker and Firelight, since the two cats didn't have apprentices to manage. Maybe soon he'd have one assigned to him. The tom shied away from the others glances in embarrassment, hunched beneath the root he'd hit his head off of and avoiding looking at them. He didn't say anything either, merely waiting for one of them to move so he could leave, or for them to leave so he could go find someone to go out with. He was careful to hide his big paws in the moss that he slept in, a pile of it hiding his front paws fairly well behind it while his tail covered the others. Eelpaw was lucky to have a mentor, even one as rough as Sharpthorn. The Tom was just trying to push Eelpaw to be his best after all, since he saw potential in him.