[b][i]All Star Children and Hunters Except Cedric[/i][/b] Slowly but surely, the various teenagers and young adults would see things...changing around them. An extra shadow here, a few new faces there, and the feeling of being watched, obviously. While people such as Emma wouldn't care, others, such as Lexi, might. There were also unmarked cars roaming around; nothing flashy, but, to the Star Children's minds, unsettling precisely because they were so ordinary. And if Emma had actually noticed, her roommate was watching the windows and doors, and all points of entry, with a steely gaze that belied her supposed 19/20 years of age. She would also notice, if she weren't so lazy, the flash of guns hidden inside a drawer; a pistol as well as an assault rifle; the latter which could not be smuggled into the place without the connivance of the guards. West, meanwhile, would notice several new faces in Emma's current Academy, new teachers, janitors, IT people, all of them with the muscles of trained martial artists and trying to hide them. If he didn't act fast, the school would become a fortress... Lotus, meanwhile, would be directed to kidnap Kimberly Juno and Connor Flynnagan; the Government would give her a van, as well as four people well-versed in CIA Black Site operations. She would be instructed to leave the kids [i]unharmed[/i]. Should she protest, the Government Agent assigned to handle her would say: "Things aren't what they appear, what you think they are. You should know that by now as a criminologist. If you succeed in this, you'll have enough clearance to know what I mean." Lexi, once her brothers took her home, would find two people, a man and a woman, in suits conversing with her parents; if she asked what they were doing there, her Mother would say: "Isn't this great? These people want to take you to a special school for the best of the best!" [@Scarifar][@RedXCross][@Diggerton][@TaliPaendrag][@BreakingMe][@Mass City]