Both of the new gems paused, looking at Bloodstone as he spoke to them. Carnelian's words were distant. Even the kitten that had tried to get Hessonite's attention was ignored in favor of the thoughts of Bloodtone. They could hardly head what she was saying, but they finally registered her words once Bloodstone left the group. Whatever was happening around them, they weren't quite sure, but they did know that a high ranking Homeworld gem was just in front of them. They knew who he was, and what he was doing, but they did not act fast enough to stop him from leaving. Hessonite pulled Pyrite along to the other gems. They didn't recognize Aquamarine, but she seemed to have knowledge that the others didn't possess. Her appearance didn't seem Homeworld, but that wasn't going to stop Hessonite from approaching them. [color=f26522] "Hi!"[/color] Hess chirped. [color=f26522]"Was that Bloodstone?"[/color] [color=fff200] "Stop!"[/color] Pyrite tried to pull in the other direction. [color=fff200]"They don't need to know our business! We can just try and go after him, no middle gem!"[/color]