Etzer had two choices, the rope, or the weaponry. Even if it meant running into a few infected, more weapons would be nice to have. He didn't know where they were being taken, and didn't know if he would need to be armed, so he took the long way through. He was just about to pass through the door when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a little girl. It reminded him of his sister. The sweet fsce, the long brown hair, it was all coming back to him. He walked over to the bloodied girl kneeling down next to her. He as unsure what to do. He had only spent months with his sister who was a little older than how this girl appeared to look, which meant she was easier to approach. He cleared his throat. "Do you need help? Getting through. I'd be more than willing to help you." The more he looked at the girl, the more he seemed to feel like he knew her. The silence between them was broken by screams, and rumbling through the door. It was loud, but it sounded distant. They still had time to get weapons if he and the girl hurried. The screams and rumbling continued, louder, but still distant. It didn't sound like they had reached the weapons yet, which was good, and which meant he and the girl could make it there first. There was no reply from the girl. She looked to scared to talk. He didn't want to leave her, but he needed an answer, and soon. [@XxLyraxX]