[quote=@McHaggis] Gonna start working on my Bastet some... if only I didn't have to play HoTS... [hider=Character Name][hr][hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/3fea09755c30f236b77b07ebd882bf21/tumblr_inline_mi60ee4ZEh1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmFhNTA5OC5RbUZ6ZEdWMC4wAAAA/emizfont.regular.png[/img] [color=d96bc8][i]Goddess of Protection, Relationships, the Performing Arts and Cats[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][h1][u]Basic Profile[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=d96bc8][u]|Name|[/u][/color] [indent]Bastet[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Alias(es)|[/u][/color] [indent]Sable Almasi[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Gender|[/u][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Sexuality|[/u][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Relationship Status|[/u][/color] [indent]Single*[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Pantheon/Faith|[/u][/color] [indent]Egyptian[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Occupation|[/u][/color] [indent]Sable is currently renovating her life and studying veterinary medicine for the third time in the last century or so. She works as an assistant in the vet's office in New Mexico. She never lets on that she knows more than the actual trained vet ever will and plays the role of the dutiful intern quite happily.[/indent] [hr][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/38ece9acbc21b286db465701c8577673/tumblr_inline_mi60hshNQ31qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Appearance[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=d96bc8][u]|Godly Appearance|[/u][/color] [indent][url=http://img13.deviantart.net/3ccf/i/2011/265/a/5/bastet_by_alli_sa-d4akrv0.jpg]Reference[/url]. Bastet used to look a [i]lot[/i] different, back when she wasn't trying to blend in with mortals and had all of her power at her disposal. The cat-headed goddess, Bastet had an undeniably feline form. Sharp fangs, a dusting of fur that covered some of her upper body and her back and wide, green cat's eyes. She wasn't much taller, perhaps only 6'2", but exuded a more intimidating aura mostly through her gold and black attire. She didn't wear armor and would have been considered more of a 'mage', with a staff.[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Earthly Appearance|[/u][/color] [indent]Sable is a figure who seems quite nondescript, essentially, which is exactly what she wants. Standing at a respectable 5'8" (and she doesn't wear heels) with a slim, flat-chested build, she isn't exactly intimidating or godlike. She has soft features: warm brown eyes, dark wavy hair that is usually left down and rarely combed, and a permanently watery expression as if she's about to burst into tears at any given moment.[/indent] [hr][center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzarwmR8hu1qdmesto1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][h1][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=d96bc8][u]|Personality|[/u][/color] [indent]What kind of person is your character? What are their motivations? How do they interact with people around them? Also include things like how they’ve changed ever since they’ve transitioned into mortal life. Have they gotten kinder? Meaner? Etc Be sure to write in flaws! Absolutely no Mary Sues/Gary Stus[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Family|[/u][/color] [indent]Past or present. These do not need to be within their own Pantheon, or even mythological.[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Strengths|[/u][/color] [list][*] Intelligent [*] Independent [*] Good Samaritan [*] Friendly [*] Creative[/list] [color=d96bc8][u]|Weaknesses|[/u][/color] [list][*] Unambitious [*] "Curious"/Nosy [*] Stubborn [*] Naive [*] Over-Emotional[/list] [color=d96bc8][u]|Likes|[/u][/color] [list][*] Cats [*] Social Media [*] Family Get-Togethers [*] The Internet [*] Romance [*] Music [*] Cat-Naps[/list] [color=d96bc8][u]|Dislikes[/u][/color] [list][*] Alcohol [*] Long Nights [*] Cold Weather [*] Dogs (Allergic) [*] Darkness[/list] [color=d96bc8][u]|History|[/u][/color] [indent]Obviously a gloss on what they’ve done in human history since coming into existence. Must include what they were known for, how they reacted to the agreement to give up their powers, and what they have done since as a pseudo-mortal.[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Opinion on Mortals|[/u][/color] [indent]What do they think about other mortals, who have no knowledge of the gods? What do they think about being one of them – sort of?[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Theme Song|[/u][/color] [indent][url=link]Song – Artist[/url] [sub]”A few lyrics here, please.”[/sub][/indent] [hr][center][img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq0op3j56K1qmib84o1_r2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Mortal vs. Immortal[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=d96bc8][u]|Mortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] [indent]What skills have they picked up that lie outside the realm of their godly abilities? Also, what residual effects do their powers have on mortals? Aphrodite being attractive, Apollo being a great guitar player and so on.[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Immortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] [indent]While the deities begin to regain their powers, slowly, what is it that your character will be able to do/how can they influence the world in supernatural ways? Bear in mind these will be weakened forms to begin with. Eg. Zeus can’t reign down thunder and murder entire cities, but he can probably cast it at one person; Hermes can run at incredible speed, but not to the extent he could as a God...[/indent] [color=d96bc8][u]|Favourite Myth|[/u][/color] [indent]Everything to do with Hercules.[/indent] [hr][hr][/hider] [/quote] I can't accept her until you name and describe every cat she currently has.