[@PrettyWalrus] Sootpaw looked rather annoyed with herself and the mistake she had made. She let out a small huff and sat down to look up at Hawkclaw. "I need to be more careful about where my paws go." she meowed in a slightly annoyed manner that was not directed at her mentor but herself. However, she quickly bounced back as he mentioned hunting near the border. Sootpaw quickly got back up on all four paws and nodded. "Yeah! It's Oakclan prey! They have their own territory to hunt in just like us. It's suppose to keep us from fighting over prey like during the time before the clans." Sootpaw said matter-of-factly with her chest puffed out in a proud manner. She trailed behind her mentor with a curious look in her eye. "Think we'll see any Boulderclan cats?" she asked. She was a tad curious as to how her old friend Ravennose was fairing. She had a lot to thank him for during the time before the clans and even though they were in different clans, she still held a good amount of respect for the warrior. If not for him choosing Boulderclan, he would have likely became her mentor instead of Hawkclaw. [hr] [@ViolentViolet] Oakstar heaved a sigh looking over at her as flicked his side. He was a stubborn tom but it was usually just because he was trying to look out for those he cared about. Especially his family. He shook his head at the mention of goatweed. He stretched and got up to his paws. "Hmm... Sootpaw's out with her mentor so that leaves Eelpaw, Smokepaw, and Witheredpaw. I think we should probably give Eelpaw a break considering his training with Sharpthorn recently ended." he informed his mate. Sharpthorn was a strong and trustworthy cat so he had no doubt that he had trained Eelpaw very well. However, even Oakstar found his methods a bit... extreme. He never argued with the tom about them though for it was just his method of teaching and if it worked, there was no reason to try and change it. Eelpaw would be a fine warrior indeed. "Take your pick." Oakstar said with a small chuckle before he began to head towards the camp entrance. "It seems the others are ready to go soon so we better go join them." It appeared Sharpthorn and Burrpelt had already gathered together. It would be a good time to head out seeing as both cats had gotten a short rest. --- Petalwhisker turned her gaze to look over at Featherwhisker. She listened as she explained the tasks of apprentices before giving a small nod. Even if she didn't like what she heard, there was nothing she could do. The queen laid her head on her paws, seeming a little more at ease. The only probably was she fretted over who would be teaching her kit. She didn't know if she had any preferences as to who it would be. Either way it would be up to Oakstar in the end. "Thank you Featherwhisker." she meowed. [i]Perhaps she wouldn't be a bad mentor...[/i] She thought to herself and kept it that way. Featherwhisker appeared to be a reasonable cat and was experienced in the areas a mentor should be. [hr] [@CLIW] Harepaw looked over at Screefoot and let out a small snort, noticing the warrior's anxiety and frustration in the way her tail moved. [i]Some warrior you are.[/i] He thought harshly but for once kept his opinion to himself. Meanwhile, Pearpaw looked over at Screefoot with a kinder gaze and even gave her a small but reassuring tap on the shoulder with her muzzle. Unlike most cats, Pearpaw didn't have the ability to do such a gesture with her tail. "Yeah maybe. If she doesn't scare off all the prey along the way." Harepaw grumbled in response to his mentor, his eyes shifting on to Pearpaw with an accusing gaze. The she cat was clumsy after all and he was well aware of it. Pearpaw lowered her head. "Sorry." she mumbled shifting her paws.