He nodded slowly, sighing softly. "I know, and I wish I could purge it all from your head. She is a cruel human being, and doesn't deserve to live." He closed his eyes, resting his head in his hand softly. He could still feel the heat radiating off of his body, but he couldn't stop it yet. He wasn't calm enough. He watched her sit up, removing his hand from her hair as she did. He ran his hand over his face with a deep breath, before he heard and comprehended what James has said. He peered out from between his fingers at them both, before singling out James, glowering at him. He didn't understand him sometimes. However, he could feel his face burning as well, so he continued to keep his face in his hand for now at least, he didn't want his pink cheeks to be on standby. Once his face had calmed down enough, he lifted his head, a small smile curling his lip at Enna's reaction to what James suggested. He let out a deep breath, stretching his arms over his head before rolling his eyes at the twins antics. He stood from the bed, rubbing his shoulders. He was very tense, and sore. The shifting had really done a number on his body, not just mentally. he walked back over to the window, cracking it open and sitting on the window sill, enjoying the cold air that came in form outside. It was helping him cool down from his overly warm temperature. He leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. [@Arista]