Guess I'll just throw up what I have so far, it's still a WIP, and [@impervious], you're killing me with that Rami Malek and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I love those two too much. :'D [hider=Maximón][hr][hr] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [color=F7E98F][i]God of Merchants, Travellers, Fertility, and Revenge[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][h1][u]Basic Profile[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=F7E98F][u]|Name|[/u][/color] [indent]Maximón[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Alias(es)|[/u][/color] [indent]San Simón, to his worshippers, and before the Spanish Inquisition, he was known simply as Mam, the pan-Mayan term for “grandson” or “grandfather”. In recent years, however, for the sake of blending in with humans, Sebastian Morales has become his alias of choice.[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Gender|[/u][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Sexuality|[/u][/color] [indent]Pansexual Demiromantic[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Relationship Status|[/u][/color] [indent]Single, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Pantheon/Faith|[/u][/color] [indent]Mayan/Folk Catholicism[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Occupation|[/u][/color] [indent]On paper, he’s a salesman at a company specialising in agricultural implements, but off the books, he runs a secret, moonshining business out of his own basement.[/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Appearance[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=F7E98F][u]|Godly Appearance|[/u][/color] [indent]Maximón, in his true form, is rather nondescript. A humanoid figure, tanned skin and dark hair suggest a Hispanic background, but his face is perpetually obscured by a churning curtain of smoke, emanating from the cigar between his lips, like ripples on the surface of a pond. Much like his effigies, he is most often dressed in the style of 18th-century nobles, colourful garlands of summer flowers draped around his neck. But, of course, the first thing everyone notices is the blood. Under his clothes, it’s quite a ghastly sight. The flesh around his shoulders and knees are gashed with angry, red lacerations that never seem to heal completely, blood and ichor oozing from the wounds. They were souvenirs from his conception, and since there was no nice way to put it, this so-called “conception” involved getting ripped limb from limb by a mob of angry husbands. Even the slightest movement causes him no small amount of pain, and his gait often comes off as stiff and mechanical.[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Earthly Appearance|[/u][/color] [indent]Maximón looks to be a man of Hispanic roots in his mid to late thirties, olive skin stretched over a tall, leanly muscled frame just a shade off of 6’1”. His hair is dark - thick, wavy locks the colour of midnight haphazardly mussed, and when the situation calls for it, teased or slicked back into a pleasing coif. Under his neatly trimmed beard (he’s barely ever clean-shaven), you’ll find a near-constant smirk, full of placid insouciance; revealing his perfectly straight pearly whites when inevitably stretches into a grin. The same flippancy can be seen in his eyes - deep, brown orbs forever sparkling with levity, the beginnings of crow’s feet marring their corners. To say that Maximón dresses to impress would be an understatement He is always immaculately garbed - all dress shirts, and made to measure slacks - even in the most casual of situations. You’ll never see him dressed down below the threshold of “smart-casual”, something he accomplishes through sheer force of will, and more tangibly, clearance sales at retail stores. Taking his not-at-all stable income into consideration, it’s almost miraculous that he manages to dress the way he does without digging himself into a hole of debt, which seems to be in direct conflict with the shitty cigarettes he always seems to be smoking. As is befitting of his drawling, whiskey-fugged persona, Maximón’s always smells mildly of tobacco, alcohol, and incense. The scent seems to have seeped through his clothes, sticking to his skin like a tattoo, and even scalding hot showers don’t do a thing to get rid of it completely. It’s just as well, he thinks, since he spends most of his free time getting drunk at nightclubs, but more often than not, he finds the whole affair an inconvenience.[/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][h1][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=F7E98F][u]|Personality|[/u][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Family|[/u][/color] [indent]Itzamna - The creator of Maximón and his three brothers. None of them have seen him since their creation, and even after the fall, his whereabouts remain unknown. Any information is scarce, made up of carvings and inscriptions scattered across South America. Ixchebelyax - Itzamna’s wife, and Maximón’s mother. Much like Itzamna, little is known about her, and she is but a vague memory in Maximón’s mind. The Bacabs - Maximón’s brothers, literally. All four of them were brought into existence by Itzamna, from the interiors of the earth, and tasked with holding up the four corners of the sky. While they used to be on good terms, the Spanish Inquisition put a stop to it. The four brothers argued for days, weeks, months about what was to become of them, now that Catholicism was beginning to take root in the minds of their people, and when a consensus couldn’t be reached, they ended up parting ways. Maximón hasn’t heard from any of them since, though he often finds himself worrying about what became of his brothers. Dorado - A fat, ginger cat that spends its days basking in the sun, doing absolutely nothing of value. On a whim, Maximón decided to adopt a cat from a local shelter. Perhaps he’d hoped Dorado would aid him in ridding his home of rodents, but it quickly became evident that the feline was extraordinarily lazy, and now, Maximón finds himself stuck with a furry, whiskered parasite. Of course, he could just throw him out, but he’s developed quite a soft spot for the cat (not that he’d ever admit to anyone).[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Strengths|[/u][/color] [list][*]Adaptable [*]Charismatic [*]Discreet [*]Efficient [*]Shrewd[/list] [color=F7E98F][u]|Weaknesses|[/u][/color] [list][*]Amoral [*]Capricious [*]Domineering [*]Egocentric [*]Indulgent[/list] [color=F7E98F][u]|Likes|[/u][/color] [list][*]Tequila [*]Cigars [*]Cats [*]Warm weather [*]McDonalds [*]PDA[/list] [color=F7E98F][u]|Dislikes[/u][/color] [list][*]Liars [*]Winter [*]Prudes [*]Coffee [*]Locusts [*]Children[/list] [color=F7E98F][u]|History|[/u][/color] [indent]Obviously a gloss on what they’ve done in human history since coming into existence. Must include what they were known for, how they reacted to the agreement to give up their powers, and what they have done since as a pseudo-mortal.[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Opinion on Mortals|[/u][/color] [indent]What do they think about other mortals, who have no knowledge of the gods? What do they think about being one of them – sort of?[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Theme Song|[/u][/color] [indent][url=]Lazaretto – Jack White[/url] [sub]“My veins are blue and connected And every single bone in my brain is electric But I dig ditches like the best of 'em Yo trabajo duro, como en madera y yeso.”[/sub][/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Favorite Myth|[/u][/color] [indent]The Punishment of Loki[/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Mortal vs. Immortal[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=F7E98F][u]|Mortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] [indent]What skills have they picked up that lie outside the realm of their godly abilities? Also, what residual effects do their powers have on mortals? Aphrodite being attractive, Apollo being a great guitar player and so on.[/indent] [color=F7E98F][u]|Immortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] [indent]While the deities begin to regain their powers, slowly, what is it that your character will be able to do/how can they influence the world in supernatural ways? Bear in mind these will be weakened forms to begin with. Eg. Zeus can’t reign down thunder and murder entire cities, but he can probably cast it at one person; Hermes can run at incredible speed, but not to the extent he could as a God...[/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][/hider]