[center][h2]12:00, mess hall[/h2][/center] As she always did during lunch, Danielle sized up the demis around her, seeking out those who might be discontent enough to want to revolt. It was a major goal of hers, to get out of the hellhole the humans called a training facility. One demi-snake was not enough to take on a whole compound of humans, however, and so she sought allies. Already, she had three snakes, a bird, two canines, and a feline as allies. Today, her targets were a newly-arrived vulpine and another feline. The vulpine, she would tackle later. The feline, however, she had kept an eye on for quite a while. Now would be her time to speak to her first target. Picking up her tray, Danielle left the line of demis waiting for sustenance and slithered over to rest next to her target. [color=c4df9b]"I can't help but notice that you don't appreciate the efforts of our not-so-benevolent overlords."[/color] She spoke quietly, words coming out with a slight hiss. [color=c4df9b]"Could it be that you don't wish to be their obedient little soldier?"[/color] Keeping her eyes on her food, Danielle waited for a response. Hopefully her target would be amenable to her suggestions.