Finishing and stepping out of the shower, Enna related a breath and reached for the bag she'd brought with her. The water dissapating as she tugged the clothes on and watched her reflection in the misted mirror. Her eyes sported deep black circles, her face was paler then it used to be and after leaning closer to get a better look she noted that her eyes were rimmed with crimson. Stepping away and opening the door, she stepped into the room and placed the towel she'd used on the back of the couch and moved to the open window. "Weres are a species that can be left unchecked. I'm not the first but it's been a few years since one has possessed the ability to control ice with just a single thought. It's expected and in a way my grandmother being killed played a role in it, our options now are limited. We need a safe place." [i]There aren't any that are close.[/i] James began from his perch on Enna and Adrian's bed, leaning against the wall, she watched as Jason life his head and tilted it. [i]And at the moment none of us are capable of going the distance. With the term starting she won't attack us as much but that doesn't mean we can let our guards down. The files we picked through are alarming.[/i] Enna moved closer to Adrian and after a moment of hesitation, she sat by his legs and curled herself into a ball. "You never did tell us what those files held. Mind sharing?" Her hair was dropping water down her long-sleeved gray shirt but she didn't care, her mind was spinning and she noticed that something was off. She could smell things trice as far and hear things from the same distance, her muscles twitched every now and then as a scent or sound caught her attention. A bad sign if anything. It was clear that she'd spent too long shifting from one form to another. And if she remembered an old warning her grandmother told her, if she shifted while in this state, she'd be overwhelmed with it all and lose control of herself. Wincing and pushing the thought away, she focused on the twins as they rose and fluidly shifted back. Time to get much needed information. [@SomeoneSomewere]