Roseclaw watched her apprentice fall flat on his face, her tail twitching in annoyance. He may become a great medicine cat, but right now the idiot was a mousebrained apprentice treading on Roseclaw's nerves. "What in the name of all things good and holy in the forest do you think you're doing?" she hissed, resisting the urge to smack him on the head. "You show up late, only to fall in like a braindead badger!" Her threateningly raised a paw before Copperpaw could speak, amber eyes glittering with clear irritation. "Not one word. We've got a busy day ahead. Get up, get moving, and try not to trip over every little grain of sand." Roseclaw finished the rest of her meal in a single bite before rising up and stalking towards the camp exit. [hr] Ripplepaw trailed behind her mentor, observing closely as Nightmist blended into the shadows of the forest. It was fascinating watching the older she-cat move so swiftly. While Rippelepaw was quiet, she did not yet hold the agility her mentor so very well mastered. "I have not, Nightmist," she admitted softly. During her time before the clans, she always has chosen to flee or avoid battles when necessary. Her body, small and lithe, was meant more for stalking than fighting. But now that she was part of a clan, it was time for her to learn. [hr] "I was going to ask if you lovely she-cats needed anything, but..." Sunflame cast Featherwhisker a small wink, "It seems this beautiful and brave warrior has got you covered." Giving the them a farewell wave of his tail, the red and ginger tom ducked out. It was always a delight talking to such pretty she-cats in the morning, even if it was brief. He spotted Burrpelt and Sharpthorn, making his way towards them. The latter of the two was always oh-so serious enough to intimidate Sunflame. Then again, most things intimated him, so that wasn't saying much. But he was no doubt a fine warrior. Burrpelt, though. While Sunflame respected his skills a deputy, his actions towards she-cats would use more than a little improvement. A small smug smile tugged on the edges of the young tom's mouth. Perhaps he could help with that. "Going on patrol?" he called, waving his tail in greeting. [hr] Vinetail looked up as Aspenclaw approached him. He had always held a great respect for the older warrior, and a patrol would be useful in releasing all his pent up energy. With a nod, Vinetail finished his mouse and stood. "Ready." [hr] Ravenfeather opened one eye, a tired mew escaping her mouth. She could feel the warm presence of her kits at her sighed, the single Sagekit curled up bes— The black queen's amber eyes snapped open in alarm. Just Sagekit?! But where was Willowkit and Owlkit?! Ravenfeather rose to her paws, her tail unfurling from around Sagekit. She poked her head out of the den, relaxing slightly as she saw Willowkit with a few warriors. At least she wasn't alone. But that still left Owlkit. Wherever he had disappeared to, Ravenfeather was sure he was up to no good. The she-cat slipped out of her den and towards the group, casting Willowkit a stern but gentle look as she approached.