Spinel ended up collapsing somewhat against the side of the desk as the blue-haired girl took charge and eventually led everyone off. It was probably for the best; he had almost missed the desk and fallen on the floor again with his fuzzy eyesight at that moment. Leading people to rooms on his own was probably a terrible idea. Instead, he rested against the desk and just waited for a minute until he could see slightly clearer shapes again before going to get a muffin and some decaf. Lots of cream and sugar, never too bitter. He never could drink it like that, no matter how strange it probably seemed. Not that he really cared, it wasn't often anyone asked for a sip. With the pastry and beverage in hand, the redhead made his way to a table at random, just walking in a direction and sitting down when he encountered one. It wasn't until he took a few sips that he realized his mistake. [color=ed1c24]"I wanted cocoa, didn't I? I'll have to get one later now." [/color] Taking another sip, he settled in his seat for a moment before taking notice that something had apparently been left at this location. A book...did someone forget to take it with them? After a moment of pondering its origins, the male flipped open the cover and took a peek at the pages inside. It could be interesting, after all.