[center][h1][color=blue][b]Johanna Phillips Unknown Alleyway Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] "Cover me." A sinister smile spreads across her bright painted red lips as she nods her head in agreement. The brunette adjust her position behind the large metal dumpster so that she has a clearer view of her target whilst her colleague gets ready to make a dash towards the cardboard boxes on the opposing wall. She tries her best to contain her amusement as her colleague signals her he is ready to go. [i]Good luck my friend.[/i] As soon as he is on his feet guns start blazing. To her time seems to almost slow down as her eyes shift between the bullets trying to find any that could prove fatal. Luckily for her, their target was using an old school pistol which made it much easier for her to deflect the bullets aimed at her partner. She barely moved as the bullets unnaturally changed their direction. If you just looked at her in that moment you would never believe someone so petite could be the holder of such a powerful gift. The more frustrated her target became the more amusement she felt. Her face became slightly more serious when the last bullet of his magazine exits the chamber. It was heading straight for her colleagues head. [i]Killshot.[/i] Just like before, with barely any movement from her the bullet shifts from its original path. Even though she could've quite easily sent the bullet into a nearby wall she let it pierce straight through her colleague's shoulder. Her partner let's out a loud cry of agony before collapsing to the ground. She instantly breaks out in a soft chuckle before rising to her feet. [i]Enough games...time to finish this.[/i] Her right arm flings towards her target who is still nervously fiddling around with his weapon trying his best to load it as fast as possible. Unfortunately for him as the last of her fingers outstretch themselves an invisible force rapidly shifted towards him. The force was so strong it threw him two metres back straight into the cement wall. A loud crack could be heard as his head collided with the wall. It was then followed by an even louder thump as he fell to the ground unconscious. "What the fuck Johanna?" "Oh stop being such human Thomas," Johanna snickered as she help her colleague back to his feet. "It barely even grazed you...and anyway you deserved that," she spoke in a slightly colder tone. "Are you kidding me? It's stuck inside..." Thomas pulls off half his jacket to reveal a small but very deep puncture wound in his left shoulder. Before the two could continue to bicker the rest of their squadron arrived, including Agent Black also known as 'The Enforcer'. Agent Black is also Johanna's mentor of sorts and the sergeant of this particular sector of Quantum, 'CEE' (Capturing & Extermination of EVOS). "What happened here?" Johanna instinctively straightened up her back hearing Agent Black deep husky voice. Something about that man seemed to make her want to 'behave' herself and act like a professional...well, most of the time. "She got me shot on purpose cause I ate her stupid chocolate mousse," Thomas was quick to jump in and of course throw Johanna under the bus. It didn't really bother her because after all it was the truth but anyway she two had an scapegoat. "Sorry but my power glitched...you know that tends to happen in stressful situation," Johanna replies innocently but the fact that she had a huge grin on her face made it not very believable. "...at least the target is unharmed...well besides the giant gush on his head but other than that his in one piece." She quickly decided to add knowing that Agent Black was all for accomplishing mission and increasing his squadron's statistics. "Good job Johanna. However, next time our target is 'normal' and holds useful information try to use less force and try not to harm them in the head." Agent Black signals two agents to collect the target and place him in the back of a black SUV that is parked on the curb. "And Thomas next time don't eat other agents' food," Agent Black winked at Johanna before following the other agents out of the alleyway. "Come on.." Johanna mutters as she places one arm around Thomas for support seeing his face turn paler by the minute. The pair proceeded to the vehicle. Johanna tried her best to ignore the stares they were receiving once they entered back into the main street. Even though she is working for an organisation that is technically trying to protect the 'normal' people she personally couldn't stand them. To her they were just as bad as evos, weaker but just as [i]foul.[/i]