As Jake continued to fight his way down the tower it was evident that resistance was actually starting to thin out. Either reinforcements from the towers base levels were held off, or the majority of the stationed guards were higher up the tower. It wasn't long before a certain level of commotion was echoing up from the floor below, something about capturing someone, or something accompanied by the request to hold off soldiers. Hearing this Jake picked up the pace as he headed for the next floor down. Upon arrival Jake peered around into the main corridor only to see several soldiers cut down by a dagger wielding woman. Moving back Jake reported in. [color=ed1c24]"Overwatch, be advised I've made contact with part of the Joint Harden Strike Team."[/color] Jake stepped out into the main corridor where the others were. [color=ed1c24]"...Xerox right?"[/color] Jake asked as he approached. [color=ed1c24]"The inventor, or would you prefer engineer? Or maybe scientist?"[/color] Jake continued to question as he got closer to the three. [color=ed1c24]"What are you staring at?"[/color] A gaping hole in the wall, which was clearly once a continuation of the cells provided the answer to that question. [color=ed1c24]"heh, friends of yours?"[/color] As he asjed Jake turned his attention to the two women accompanying Xerox. Recognising neither of them from his previous time on the team Jake took out his PDA and snapped two quick head shots, sliding the device back into his pocket afterwards.