[center][h3][color=black]Raymond Severus Jones[/color] [color=71cec2]Johanna Raske[/color] [color=800080]Marilee E. Laikos[/color][/h3] [IMG]http://s1.favim.com/orig/8/boy-cigarette-evening-guy-lighs-Favim.com-169597.jpg[/IMG] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/93e8b3bb0fe42e472367165fefdc0f07/tumblr_mj3p8b2zoA1rv7cdvo1_500.gif[/img][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/c7ae68a60a584db18dd9b6e63b85692a/tumblr_nqohm3VGV61rkfiilo2_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Café [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] each other [@McHaggis][@obscurus][@LovelyAnastasia][/center][hr][hr] [center][h3]Still the previous day[/h3][/center] Ray watched as the infused tea began to take effect on the girl. [b][color=black]"I might have overdone it."[/color][/b] He mumbled to himself. There was still some work to do on finding the right dosage with these things. [i][color=black]At least she's more relaxed now.[/color][/i] He flinched slightly when the plate shot at his face. And was relieved when it stopped before hitting him and started floating down. [i][color=black]note to self: be careful who you drug[/color][/i] In response to her raving, Ray just nodded and said: [b][color=black]"It sure is."[/color][/b] Referring to the pie that was jummy. She did make an interesting observation though. Who was strong enough to be able to kidnap demi-gods? A frightening question. He made himself some coffee and took out the last piece of applepie from the fridge. He put it on the counter with three small forks. [b][color=black]"You girls want some?"[/color][/b] [b][color=black]"unlikely"[/color][/b] He said to Joey. [b][color=black]"Some have been gone for a while now."[/color][/b] Through the windows Ray could see that the sun had just set. Het turned his head to the drowsy girl. [b][color=black]"What's your name by the way?"[/color][/b] Marilee stiffled a giggle unsucessfully. [color=a187be]"Marilee....Eee...Laikos..."[/color] she mumbled sleepily with a yawn, [color=a187be]"...Gone a while...Gone forever..." [/color]she wiggled her fingers and liquid tea floated in the air, making shapes as she spoke, [color=a187be]"Only... Demi... and Gods... are equal..."[/color] She gave a small snort at the idea of Gods or fellow Demis taking the missing kids against their will. Waving the tea shapes away, they snaked through the air in retreat to the sink. The tea was cold now. Dancing around in the air had ruined its perfect temperature. What a waste, what a waste... [color=a187be]"Coulda' run, run, run so far a way,"[/color] she grinnned at the tune as she took another bite of the floating cookie, [color=a187be]"Or monsters....Big meanies...."[/color] She scrunched her nose and yawned oncer more, leaning over the counter. Her pale eyes stared up at the two near her and she scoffed. [color=a187be]"Cold pie...is butts..."[/color] she chuckled. And then there was an awful shaking. Sitting up as straight as possible and gripping the counter, her eyes glowed red. That color turned an violetly bright as the shaking ground got worse. Light bulbs burst and Marilee let out a growl. She was so tired, but if they were being attacked she had to do something! Thrusting her hands out, her hair floated up around her, her fingertips gleaming with light that seemed to stain the air around it. Anything knocked from its rightful place simply floated. A terrible ache started in her head, but she blinked blearily, trying to clear her mind. [color=a187be][b]"Back to your positions, you unruly dishes!"[/b][/color] It wasn't much of a spell, but with the pounding in her head, she could feel herself letting the magic seap out from her fingertips. Not everything listen to her command. Anything larger than the mixer was too heavy in such a broad range for her to control. But she managed to save somethings. Once the horrid shaking stopped, Marilee relaxed, the red energy fading away. Her head hurt really bad now. Slumping across the counter of the cafe, she let out a small groan. [color=a187be]"Tell the ground to be nice...."[/color] And with that surprisingly full sentence on her slurring sleepy tongue, Marilee was out like a light. Such extensive and free use of her magic was just not something that her body was used to. [b][color=black]"woah!"[/color][/b] Ray fell to ground as the sudden shaking of the world caught him by surprise. [b][color=black]"oah!"[/color][/b] He exclaimed as he hit the ground. Some of the cups and dishes fell from the shelf. Afraid that he would be buried under them he put his arms over his head and closed his eyes. When nothing hit him, he opened one of his eyes to see many of the dishes floating in the air and back to their places. Apparently the girl named Marilee was still alert enough to react quickly to the situation. The levitating and glowing of everything was enough indication for him that this was her doing. Though the little rhyme she said made it absolutely clear. Just when he let down his guard, assured that nothing was going to hit him, a last cup that was spinning on the shelf decided to come down. On his head. [b][color=black]"aaarh!"[/color][/b] The cup broke. And it hurt like hell. With one hand over the bleeding spot on his forehead he slowly got up, hoping there would come no more earthquakes. He leaned on the counter. [b][color=black]"oh damn, what was that...?"[/color][/b] He breathed heavily as he still was feeling some adrenaline. And pain. [b][color=black]"Thanks, Marilee."[/color][/b] He managed to get out. [b][color=black]"Without your quick reaction I would've probably be buried under all those cups."[/color][/b] It was then that Ray noticed that she didn't hear him anymore. She was sound asleep. At least she seemed uninjured. [b][color=black]"....yeah, we'll tell the ground to be nice."[/color][/b] He moved over to Joey. A modest stream of blood had formed between the hand that he held over the side of his forehead and his elbow, from where the blood was slowly dripping on the counter. [b][color=black]"Are you okay?"[/color][/b] Johanna didn't answer at first, crouched under the edge of the counter and stroking her snake's tiny scaled head as she hissed sweet nothings at him. [b][i][color=71cec2]"Are you okay, Ouroborous? The Witch did not hurt you, did she?"[/color][/i][/b] Snakes – they didn't understand contractions all that well, and English didn't translate well at all into their language. "[i]Mistressss, I am well![/i]" Oreo licked at her fingers. "[i]But there isss blood in the air! Danger! Danger![/i]" [b][color=71cec2]"Blood?"[/color][/b] Johanna mused, tucking her snake into her jacket pocket, their coffee date having been interrupted. She didn't feel [i]too[/i] bad about it, given that it had been free. Joey was sure she hadn't been injured save for some hot coffee spilling on her jeans during the quake, and that wasn't any real issue... The one that her snake liked to call the Witch was unconscious, but unless she was bleeding internally there didn't seem to be any blood, which left... With eyes wide and startled, she looked up to Ray, who she recalled had asked her a question (one that she had so rudely ignored in favour of her snake's well-being). Almost instantly, Johanna paled drastically, almost as if she was one of the children of Hades who never saw daylight. [b][color=71cec2]"I... uh, uhm, [i]I'm[/i] fine, but you've got a thing..."[/color][/b] She trailed off somewhat weakly, gesturing to the bloody mess that seemed to be his hand. Really, she should have flashed outside as soon as Oreo alerted her to the presence of it, but now having caught sight of it, she wasn't sure she could move her legs fast enough, or control Hermes' gift enough so that she didn't end up running into a wall. Haemophobia was no laughing matter after all. So she shoved some napkins at Ray, blanching as it soaked up some of the blood on the counter and in an instant saturated it. [b][color=71cec2]"I m-may need to... sit down, for a bit."[/color][/b] She backed up to the nearest set of chairs and tables that hadn't been upended by the quake. [b][color=71cec2]"And... if I [sup]faint[/sup]..."[/color][/b] She paused, shaking the light-headedness from her mind. [b][color=71cec2]"Oreo's prolly venom-y...[/color][/b] And thus, Johanna promptly stuck her head into her jacket and started breathing deeply from the warm air inside to try and hold back a panic attack.