Vespira waved excitedly at the sight of her good friend, Grace. She noticed that Grace was now taller than her and frowned. [i]"Was she always taller than me?"[/i] she wondered to herself, trying to hide her disappointment. It wasn't Grace's fault that she was taller than her but still. Now she was definitely the shortest person in their group which wasn't fair since she was the oldest. "Oh, let's wait for Anna to get here before we start," she said with the lollipop still in her mouth so it sounded more like gibberish but Grace could probably figure it out. She remembered to take out the lollipop this time when she added, "She probably has band stuff or something." "But I need to ask you first, have you notice anything weird going on today at school?" [i]"Like... creepy, could possibly be a monster weird?"[/i] she mentally added to herself. Now Vespira did not believe in the existence of monsters or aliens or ghosts. But she did believe in the possibility of their existence which is a totally different thing. At least that's how she likes to justify it. It would be rude to all of those things if she simply did not consider the possibility of their existence. And when they present themselves, they deserve the rights to be acknowledged. But since she has never seen a monster or an alien or a ghost, she does not believe in them. Simply she believes in the possibility of them. Does that make sense? Probably not.