Whatever it was those idiots stuck Jay in a room for was never going to be accomplished. He and Alpha hadn't even managed to pry the door open by the time the gaurds came and took them off to their own separate places before lunch. Hours past before they came for him. He was less lucky at escaping and only managed one good punch at the guards before he was handcuffed and dragged off to the cafeteria. Like other uncooperative demis they used starvation as a punishment. Jay didn't care, they could sit him in a room full of food all they wanted to, nothing they offered could be considered tastful anyway. Or so he told himself. He sat with a guard by the wall watching others move about freely. That was the one thing he couldn't lie to himself about wanting; freedom. For now though he distracted himself with hassling the guard. He was a young fellow and obviously startled by the descriptions Jay could come up with of how to kill. Whispering threats was not what he wanted to do, but it was the best way to ignore his hunger.