Designation: 279 Attack Battalion Structure: Infantry Battalion, 64 Squads, 16 Platoons, 4 Companies Specialty: Front Line, the 279th specializes in breaching military complexes of the separatist army. The battalion has 2 platoons of demolition experts, 2 companies composed of heavy troopers, a medical team, a dedicated sniper company, and a group of scouts/sappers to discover enemy positions and trap emplacements. Commander: Malcolm [hider=Commander Malcolm] Number: CT 02-0795. [img][/img] Name: Malcolm Rank: Commander of the 279 Distinguishing features: During his growth process, Malcolm’s left eye didn’t form properly which forced the kaminoans to outfit him with a cybernetic prosthetic before he was shipped off to the war. Apart from that, the other distinguishing feature is that he marks his armor for each planet in which his battalion -and as such the 417th- has won a battle. Personality: At a first glance, the commander of the 279th attack battalion could be considered a model commander, that is, focused on following his superior’s orders and achieving victory at any cost for the GAR. However, while this aspects of his personality are true to some degree those that know Malcolm better know that this are merely aspects of the clone commander’s personality and not the defining characteristics that most believe they are. On one hand, he is fiercely protective of his troops and while he is not afraid of undertaking risky missions that might mean their death -and his by extension, for he always fights by the side of his troops- if it means certain victory, he nevertheless mourns each and every loss and isn’t afraid to disobey an order if he knows that the lives of those under his command are being wasted for nothing. Furthermore, he encourages the clones under his command to speak their mind to him and prefers to be treated by them like an equal instead of their commanding officer. Apart from that, Commander Malcolm is also notable for his deep interest in alien cultures. This has led him to having to juggle his time between two tasks; taking care of the needs of his battalion and his passion for research into other alien cultures. [/hider] [hider=Major Racter] Number: CT 05-3487 [img][/img] Name: Racter Rank: Major Distinguishing Features: Major Racter wears his black hair in a buzzcut, keeping his face shaved of facial hair. Apart from this, he has the 279th’s symbol painted on his left shoulder pad. Personality: Major Racter is, much like his commander, fiercely protective of his troops but while the latter is willing to make sacrifices, the former despises having to make those, not due to cowardice but due to an unwillingness to lose his brothers in arms (which often leads him to make reckless decisions in the name of saving them, not taking into account that sometimes his actions endanger his brother as much as the enemy’s tactics). As such, he tends to argue quite frequently with Commander Malcolm and criticize any plan that he knows will drag the 279 into another costly conflict. Yet in spite of all of this, Major Racter has built himself as a tool of war, nothing else and nothing more. As such, while often wishing for a quick end to the war -be it either by the destruction of the Separatists or their surrender- and as such, the end of the deaths of his brothers, if he is pressed into answering the question of what he’ll do after the fighting is over, he’ll grudgingly admit that he has no idea. [/hider] Other Personnel: [hider=Sergeant Carter] Number: CT 09-1117 Name: Carter Rank: Sergeant Distinguishing Features: Sargent Carter doesn’t distinguishes much from the average clone trooper except for a tattoo of the head of a B1 battle droid crossed by two sniper rifles, formign the shape of an X, on his left shoulder. Personality: A cold man, Sergeant Carter prefers to spend whatever free time he has training to be a better sniper and, unable to do that, keeping his battle gear properly maintained. As such, he doesn’t has many friends among the 279th, with many jokingly asking him if he shouldn’t be fighting with the droids of the Separatists, something which infuriates him. Role: Sniper [/hider] [hider=Private Heinrich] Number: CT 24-2932 Name: Heinrich Rank: Private Distinguishing Features: Due to a fault in his growth process, Private Heinrich was born with snow-white hair. Personality: Ever since the growth process terminated, CT 24-2932 -better known as Heinrich by his brothers- demonstrated more of an affinity for war than for combat. As such, he quickly took the role of medic within the 279th. As such, his greatest passions remain in the medical field and Heinrich dreams of an end to the war so that he can retire to a quiet planet and open a practice of his own. Role: Medic [/hider] [hider=Trooper Telemar] Number: CT 13-1920 Name: Telemar Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: Telemar lets his hair grow slightly out of regulation and has grown a beard to distinguish over his other brothers. Personality: A boisterous man, Telemar enjoys nothing more than what little free time the clones that form the army of the Republic are given. As such, he often tends to encourage his brothers to relax whenever they can, which usually makes him pester the more duty-minded troopers to relax more. In spite of this, elemar proves to be a fierce fighter in the battlefield, managing to keep his cool under fire in most combat theaters. Role: Heavy Trooper [/hider] [hider=Lance-Corporal Leon] Number: CT 23-3444 Name: Leon Rank: Lance-Corporal Distinguishing Features: Lance-Corporal Leon stands apart from the rest of the clones of the 279th for always having his armor -unless he is forced to repaint it under the order of a commanding officer- in a camo pattern. Apart from this, he is mostly distinguished by the tattoo of a rancor skull that he had done in his left shoulder pad. Personality: A jovial man for the most part, Lance-Corporal Leon enjoys his position as a Sniper Scout for the 279th, enjoying the thrill of scouting enemy positions ahead of the rest of the army with his company. This has led him to take an interest in the practices of animal hunters, hoping to become a hunter himself once the war is over. Role: Scout Sniper [/hider] [hider=Specialist Pollux] Number: CT 01-0313 Name: Pollux Rank: Specialist Distinguishing Features: Specialist Pollux dies his hair a light ginger tone, keeping it in a buzz cut to avoid any troubles, be it either with his commanding officers or in the battlefield. Personality: Pollux is a highly intelligent man, knowing how to disarm and arm many kinds of bombs in a short amount of time, something which has come in handy when he has to deal with explosives in his position as a Demolition Specialist. Apart from this, he is like many other clone troopers, he believes in the cause of the republic, is concerned over the lives of his clone brothers, and is willing to give his life for the cause of the GAR. Role: Demolitionist [/hider] [hider=Sergeant-Major Faulke] Number: CT 26-2837 Name: Faulke Rank: Sergeant-Major Distinguishing Features: Faulke wears his hair, dyed a light blonde, in a low buzz cut. Apart from this his only other distinguishing feature hsi a tattoo of the symbol of the Republic on his neck. Personality: Faulke is what could be considered as a ‘by-the-book’ kind of person, believing it to be in the best interests of those clones under his command to follow their orders. Along with this, the Sergeant-Major is fiercely loyal to the Republic, to the point of fanaticism; this has led him to distrust the Jedi Order, believing it to be far too separated from the Republic itself and fearing that it will follow in a similar path to those of the Separatist systems, in spite of this he is willing to work with the Jedi generals and is open to the possibility of judging individuals by their own actions and not let his opinions on a whole group shape how he sees the individual in front of him. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Nils] Number: CT 01-1220 Name: Nils Rank: Lieutenant Distinguishing Features: Due to a scouting run, Nils had his hand maimed and had to replace it with a cybernetic prosthetic but apart from this nothing particularly distinguishes him from his other clone brothers. Personality: Despite an accomplished history in service to the 279th and the armies of the republic in general, Lieutenant Nils is a man who is obviously tired of the war. This is due mostly to the fact that he’d prefer to be free to follow his dream: starting a repair shop; where he can put his knowledge to help people repair broken things instead of having to stay constantly on the battlefield, with the pressure of knowing that his mistakes could cost the life of one or more of his brothers. Role: Sapper/Scout [/hider]