[color=ed1c24][u][b][i]FACTIONS[/i][/b][/u][/color] [color=f7976a]Russian Union[/color]: During the international infections of Ebersinia Pestisa, Russia and most of its neighbors took heavy blows. One of the first countries to fully collapse, next to America, by the time the pandemic had gone Russia was left a broken Union, which made it easier for them to become angry. Misled and weak, when unrest filled the world and nuclear war commenced, a good portion of the country was glassed. What emerged from the glass and rubble was a shadow of the people of the old Russia. Bitter at best, most of the newly founded "Russian Union" isn't even unified. Scattered across the remnants of Russia and it's neighboring countries, they struggle to survive, and do not hold back their resentment towards the world for their plagued existence. While they may seem broken, however, it is said that several officers survived the original disasters and currently help run what's left of their Union: spread thin and fighting off extinction. [color=8dc73f]People of Germany[/color]: The "People of Germany" established themselves in the wake of the pandemic in Germany, and by the time the bombs dropped, had managed to unite a good portion of countries surrounding them. Although the nuclear war supposedly completely destroyed them, the people who survived the attacks kept the name. More of a country-sized settlement than a real government body, the People of Germany run what's left of their country under rudimentary laws. Most crimes against them, no matter the size, are punishable by death. Due to their lack of actual government, settlers are left to settle their disputes amongst each other. [color=f7941d]Order Of Ronin[/color]: Japan was one of the few island countries that made it through the nuclear war mainly unscathed, after having been nearly wiped out by EBP. After years of utter silence, a group calling themselves the "Order of Ronin" appeared, with initial sightings placing them in China. Although much is not known of them, mainly because they constantly are on the move, it is said that they originated in Japan. Running their order as more of a large moving settlement of mercenaries, the Ronin seem to believe deeply in honor. It is said that they would, however, sooner kill a stranger and take his coin for survival over recruiting him. Mysterious and deadly, most people tend to keep their distance. [color=6ecff6]N.U.S[/color]: The N.U.S or New United States, are what's left of the old American government. Broken, scattered, and on the run from just about everyone, the N.U.S appears as more of a failed rebellion than an actual force. Claiming constitutional rights to the grounds on which America used to stand, they mostly feel like they are entitled to whatever is on their land. Although they do seem self righteous, they allow for settlers and followers to vote and have input on anything that goes on within their settlements. Unfortunately for them, everyone seems to hate them. [color=a187be]Australia[/color]: The only country to survive both disasters mainly Untouched, Australia kept running itself the way it always had with minimal change, at least until they realized they were basically all alone. With no aid from anyone else, most electrical grids shutdown, and the internet gone, the isolation seemed to be their downfall. The government eventually, with the times, devolved into a run-by-the-people settlement. Although they aren't quite as violent as other settlements, they seem to be under-informed, if not completely ignorant, to what the outside world has become. All things aside, they are one of the biggest settlements for bartering. [color=fff200]The Drifted[/color]: When the nuclear war had ended, it left destruction on a massive scale, but nowhere near as massive as in the Middle East, which was completely leveled by explosions, and chaos. What was left behind after the war was nicknamed "Hell's Gateway"; A stretch of rubble and devastation reaching through most of the Middle Eastern countries, mainly Iraq and Iran. Out of Hell's Gateway, the drifted were born. Immoral and murderous raiders. It is thought that their psychotic personalities stemmed from the high radiation levels in Hell's Gateway. Their bodies adapted, but it left certain parts of their mind altered. They do what they want, and they take what they want, and anyone that gets in their way is just another hunk of meat; Most likely to be used as food for their pets, or sometimes, themselves. Although they're not considered United, and aren't seen as a government, some groups of Drifted have a brotherhood amongst themselves. Due to their hate, greed, and monstrous habits; The chances of the drifted uniting are basically zero, and probably for the better. [color=00a99d]Freelancers[/color]: A Freelancer is a person or group of persons who do not reside in or fight for any governments or factions. Most Freelance groups share in the common goal of survival; Just trying to make a life for themselves in the world. They roam freely throughout the world, usually only staying in one place for a few weeks at the most. The trick to the Freelance population is that they're all different. Some will do whatever it takes to survive, some have families they're trying to protect, others are trying to find their place in humanity. Because of this, Freelancers are unpredictable, and usually live as drifters their whole lives; No friends, and no real home. The best word to discribe them is Individual, because no one Freelancer is ever the same as the next. [color=a36209]The West[/color]: Years after the nuclear war had crushed the world, the long stretch of desert land from California to Louisiana became known as "The West." Basically reverted to a more 1800's society, The West is inhabited by small independent settlements, freeloaders, scavengers, poachers, and just about anything else you can think of. The biggest settlement in The West is established around Dallas, Texas. Known as "Desperado Valley", the settlement uses Civil War era artillery to protect itself, and keep it's perimeter clean of enemies.