Rei is curious as to what the prince means about things going further than they should have, but instead of asking he just nods slowly, keeping his eyes on the young man. The fae follows him back to the breakfast dish to grab another bite or two to tide him over until he can hit the kitchens, but pauses when the prince asks him about not accompanying him. He's about to ask why when the prince moves right on to explaining. His brows slowly furrow as the man speaks however and he can feel a touch of ire growing inside of him. [i]'The man will be cruel, for his son surviving an attack? An attack that should never have made it through the front gates? One that his soldiers were to incompetent to prevent? I seriously question this man's ability to rule if he looses his anger on the most innocent of those he is suppose to protect. . .'[/i] When Alessandro pauses to eat a bit Rei finds his words slowly and speaks them softly. “My duty is to your life, so if I see it threatened, I will act.” He tilts his head to the side. “However, by your word, I will stay my hand so long as I am sure your life is not in danger.” With that said, he joins the prince eating and drinking until the young man stands to leave. His magic trickles around him, his senses keyed up as he straps on his knife and moves to follow behind his ward. As Alessandro strides into the room where his father waits, Rei takes up a position that will keep the prince in sight, but will keep him from the eyes of the king. The argument is. . .Stupid. There is no other word for it as far as Rei is concerned. The king is acting like a fool who'd just received a swift kick in the ego, and is intent to loose his anger on the only one not at fault. The fae is tense, his hand at his side where he grips the hilt of his dagger tightly. He's seen what anger can make people do and he is ready should the worse come to pass. Rei recognizes the position, and the weapon, but true to his word he does not move from his spot as the first blows fall. Moments later, Peter is there, and the cruelty of the king glows brighter and more loathsome in the small Fae's eyes. [i]'They are children, barely above whelps, and you beat them like wild dogs!'[/i] It takes more effort than usual for the small male to remain silent, his loathing of the proceedings seen only by Peter who catches his eye once or twice between blows. He doesn't know that his anger on their behalf gives the boy strength, or that the anger endears him to the youth more than anything he's done before. All he knows is that was he is seeing is vile and inhuman and foolish, and had he his way, it would have ended before the first blow fell. Finally, the king and his dog turn and leave and Rei moves out of the shadows. Unable to vent his loathing on the man, he lets out a hiss at the doctor as she once again speaks to Alessandro in a rather disrespectful tone. She jumps, having not seen him, and at the look in his eyes she backs away slowly like one would from a rabid beast. She flees quickly and soon they are completely alone. The sudden movement of Peter falling on his mater makes Rei's head snap around and he realizes that he's quite wound up. It's been a very long time and he's not quite sure how to handle it, but as he looks at the two holding one another he says a silent blessing he heard some of the healers in his village and moves close to them, placing a hand on each of their backs. The magic courses through him and very faintly the wounds are soothed, but at the sight of Peter flinching he concludes they still hurt rather badly and he withdraws his hands. Unable to stand still the fae begins to pace, low growls coming from him as he tries to seek a way to calm himself. Peter had noticed that he felt a little better after Rei touched him, but he figured that it was mostly the thought of the scary man trying to comfort him that brought the relief and did not suspect magic at all. As he watches Rei pace he wants to thank him. Thank him for being angry, for not looking on with disinterest as his master was beaten, but he doesn't know how to say it without sounding foolish so he instead looks to his master. [i]'I have never used my magic like that, I did not know I could. I thought the connection to the earth was lost with the blood I spilt. That is what I was told. . .'[/i] His mind goes over the words of the elders, recalling what they said when he asked about his magic and how it differed from everyone else's. His eyes stay on the floor as he paces and growls, a bit like an agitated dog. His hand is still clutching the hilt of his dagger. He knows that releasing his magic would calm him a good deal, but he also knows that he can't. [i]'After using it on Peter, I do not need him feeling the residual waves in the air from my small magics when I am in this state. Even a human would notice them. . .'[/i] He has just enough control to keep his eyes from flashing in his anger, but it takes a good deal of concentration to keep them from glowing behind his feelings.