They say that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. A great light to shine in the sky, and time. And there was morning, and there was evening: the first day. If humanity had ever possessed any sort of innocence or clarity, it must have faded as the time wore away. Somewhere along the road, humankind became selfish. We didn't care about anyone or anything else anymore. We sat in our homes, on our phones and computers. We wasted our resources and crippled our own world in the name of development. We didn't care that wars raged around us. We didn't pay attention to the signs. We took everything for granted, and when the world finally had enough...It struck back. At first the virus appeared in small groups. They tested, they attempted to create vaccines, but no wall can hold back the hands of fate. By the time the dust had settled, three quarters of a once thriving humanity had gone, but that was only the beginning. The pandemic was only the key to the door, and It was humanity's own destructive nature, that opened it. As we began to repopulate and resettle, the aftermath of the viral Armageddon shaped our history. Our cities still stood tall and proud, but our countries, our banners: all had collapsed. Under their own flags, new nations and armies arose from the failure of their fallen world. Some took after the good of the past, some took after the lineage of the most hideous. Others followed a road completely their own. In the end, it wasn't the virus that killed the world, it was humanity itself; When any ruler with evil intention clinches nuclear power...There's bound to be an apocalypse to follow. This is the world you live in, [i]WE[/i] live in. The apocalypse has already passed, and now, we must all survive in a newly blossoming world. This is our new history. This is our life. Anyone who attempts to trespass on our territories will be punished, or will they? That's the name of the game in a world of old law, like a wild land grab, or as some could call it, [color=ed1c24][i]Encroachment[/i][/color].