[center][url=http://imgur.com/Kiz7fqV][img]http://i.imgur.com/Kiz7fqV.png[/img][/url] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/5d14d1ebf182f3cba5352a7f3f5bacfd/tumblr_inline_nsyoh3WntU1sy01z5_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Cabin and The Greenhouse [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Clarissa Price, Amelia Johnston [@GoddessSophia], and Sam Krios [@MiddleEarthRoze] [/center] [hr][hr] With the spreading of the luring aroma from the bacon, eggs, potatoes, and buttered toast having been released not even five minutes ago, the others started to come down. It started with Amelia and Sam, who seemed to be a little cozier than last night. A lot happened the night before and not just for Sam and Jay, it happened with Jay and Clarissa and now it seemed something happened - in a good way - for Sam and Amelia.. Clarissa, considering how last night ended, seemed to be looking about how Jay expected. Lots of vodka apparently helped with that. They did have a long, exhausting fight. It was something that Jay never wanted to happen again. He made a lot of mistakes yesterday. The first, and probably the worst of them all, was thinking that he would actually lose Clarissa to Sam. She made it clear to him that they are old friends. Hell, Sam made it clear to Jay that they were just old friends. Whether it was Jay’s insecurities of losing the only person that looked at him and didn’t think “that guy looks like a loser”, or perhaps it was, as Sam said, “being intimidating by me”. Whichever it was, one thing was clear. Jay knew he would have to prove to her that his jealousy started — and ended — last night. [color=springgreen][b]“Glad to see you two slept well,”[/b][/color] Jay commented, speaking to Amelia and Sam, noting how close they seemed to be. As Clarissa took a seat and sounded surprised that he made breakfast, Jay gave her a smile, but not just to her; he gave that smile to all three of them. [color=springgreen][b]“Yeah, I wanted to do something to at least partially make it up to all of you. Ever since we left the Academy, I’ve been a real jerk.”[/b][/color] Jay said, eyes falling to Clarissa, [color=springgreen][b]“especially to you, Clarissa. My jealousy got out of control and I know now it was wrongly placed. I know this isn’t going to make up for it all, but I’m hoping this is at least a--” [/b][/color]Jay was cut off by the sound of a loud thud. A blue bag — a familiar blue bag — whacked Clarissa hard and sent her to the wall behind her. Seeing her being against the wall, Jay noticed blood starting to lightly drip from her neck. Fear set in and anger filled his eyes. He was going to rush towards Skye, but then déjà vu set in. This was exactly how it was yesterday. Skye did something to hurt Clarissa and Jay did nothing about it. Sam came to her rescue by going after the blonde bimbo and Jay just sat there. [color=springgreen][I]I won’t make that mistake again.[/I][/color] Jay rushed to Clarissa’s side. There was only one thought in his head: make sure Clarissa wasn’t hurt — or worse. He had to make sure that, above everything else; above making Skye pay, that Clarissa was all right. As he examined her neck, eyes filled with worried fear(it would have been noticeable) feeling around the area that hit the wall, he didn’t feel anything out of place. He wasn’t a doctor, but Jay knew enough from the medical dramas his stepmother used to watch what felt broken and what didn’t. Based on what he was feeling on her bare neck, nothing wasn’t broken. He did take notice to the light bleeding on it, though. There also seemed to be a bruise as well. That was to be expected. Still Jay didn’t like it. Not one bit. As Sam arrived from [I]handling[/I] Skye, Jay looked to him. [color=springgreen][b]“Sam, Amelia stay by her side. I need to go digging around for herbs. Put a towel on her neck and put pressure. And make sure her head is leveled.”[/b][/color] Jay said, getting up and rushed outside. He turned a left from the entrance of the cabin. He went all the way around the cabin and into the back of it. There was a greenhouse there. It was probably one of the most important features of any Demeter Cabin. This one just so happened to be belonged to the blood of Jeremiah Tomers. [b][color=springgreen]“Okay, where is it?”[/color][/b] Jay spoke softly, going through each of the five levels of several plants. Each plant seemed to have a tag on them. There were dozens upon dozens of individual plants. Some were meant for healing, some for tea, some for poison, and some for a combination of the three. The ones that Jay was look for was a specific one that closed wounds almost instantaneously. [color=springgreen][b]“It’s around here, I know it!”[/b][/color] Jay was getting frustrated. He knew it was around the area of the greenhouse he was in. The healing plants were there. [color=598527]“[I]Top shelf, far right..[/I]”[/color] Jay heard an odd whisper in his head. He looked behind him, but saw no one, but he saw a faint aura of green and brown. He smiled. [color=springgreen][b]“Thanks Mom..”[/b][/color] Jay said, looking to the top shelf and found the plant he was looking for on the far right. [color=springgreen][b]“There you are!”[/b][/color] He spotted the plant. It was the Lover’s Aloe Vera. Though it looked exactly like the Aloe Vera plant, it had a slight hint of pink and red on the edges. It had mystical properties to its nature. It only worked at its maximum potency when spotted by someone who was desperate to save the person that they truly loved. Jay grabbed the plant, which wasn’t all that heavy, and rushed back to the cabin. He didn’t know how long he was, maybe a maximum of fifteen minutes, he made sure he would rush back. It wouldn’t take him all that long to get back, seeing Sam and Amelia at Clarissa’s side. He smiled, looking at them comfort her and doing what he asked of. "Hang on Clarissa.." Jay said within earshot of her, rushing over to her side. He knelt down to see how much blood was lost and it didn't seem like a lot. Still, Jay didn't want to risk anything. He stood up. “Sam, I need your help.” Jay said, gesturing Sam to follow him to the kitchen. Jay started to prepare his work station for mashing up the Lovers' Aloe Vera plant. [color=springgreen][b]"When I say, I need you to give me a little fire into this pot, got it?"[/b][/color] Jay told Sam. This time around, JAy was the one telling Sam what to do. Talk about a reverse scenario!