I certainly hope it's okay to revive this thread. In any case, I've been playing shit on my ps2 emulator. Great stuff. Specifically, I've been doing; Seek and Destroy, a 2kawaii4u tank combat game where they're sentient and do stuff. Really shit, but endearing somehow. Naval Ops: Warhship Gunner. GREAT game. You're a ww2 officer of your selected country (I picked glorious americaland. USA, USA!), who got teleported across space and time into an alternate earth where you gotta take out an evil empire. You can customize the fuck out of your ship, which is awesome. Oh, and even though it's mostly ww2, you can find laser cannons and launch f-22's from your ship if you want. Weird shit. Armored Core 2/Another Age: BEST. BEST. BEST. These games were my life back when they were out. Literally amazing. You're this dude who pilots a super-customizeable mecha on mars/earth, and you gotta save the planet/make loads of money respectively. Great shit. Story is solid, gameplay is sexy, 10/10. And on my comp (steam anyway), I've mostly been playing From The Depths. It's sorta kind of like minecraft, but crossed with Mount and Blade: Warband, twenty-minutes-in-the-future tech level, and set on a planet that's like 95% water. Much better then it sounds. I've been building UFO's and trying to make a proper, manly battleship.