Nightmist padded into the rocky clearing that would serve as their training grounds for the day. She knew they would need experience battling among the trees too, if they ever planned to fight effectively on OakClan territory, but this was as good a place as any to start. “Good,” she mewed, turning to face her apprentice. The black she-cat sat down with her tail curled around her paws. “That is not something to be ashamed of. You did what you needed to survive, and if that meant running away sometimes, so be it. You’re here, are you not? That is far better than the foolish cat who overestimates his abilities and dies in combat because he thought fleeing was cowardly. Besides, now you will learn.” Nightmist looked around, taking measure of her surroundings, before gazing at Ripplepaw again. The former loner herself had not been in too many battles, since most other cats traveled in small groups before the Clans, and she could not hope to fight outnumbered. Instead, she had hunted her own prey and remained hidden by keeping on the move. However, she had some battle moves that she had used in tight situations, especially against dogs and other predators, and she would do her best to pass them on to Ripplepaw. It occurred to her that she could ask some cat who had experience with larger battles to help some time. “Your advantage is clearly your ability to remain silent and unnoticed,” Nightmist started. “Use it. You may not always have this opportunity in planned battles, but you can start with an edge over your opponent if you surprise them. I’m going to lie here and close my eyes, and you’re going to hide and attack me. Take your time—stealth requires patience. Wait for the moment my focus wavers, and strike quickly.” She proceeded to lie down as calmly as if she were going to sleep in her nest, her green eyes closing as she rested her head on her paws. [@Phaesaris] [hr] Amberleaf nodded respectfully as Boulderstar excused herself to attend to the rest of the Clan. He was somewhat disappointed that he wouldn’t have the opportunity to patrol with their leader and talk, but he hid it well. Their duty to the Clan came first, and right now her responsibilities were here in camp. It was good that she would be here with enough warriors to defend the Clan if needed. Besides, he would have time to discuss plans with her later in the day when he reported on the results of their patrol. “You heard Boulderstar; fall in,” the deputy mewed shortly, padding toward the entrance of the camp without a glance behind him. He expected that Screefoot, Harepaw, and Pearpaw would be following along. He hoped that his and Boulderstar’s words to the apprentice tom would get through to him somehow. Some cats would always be tetchy, but as long as Harepaw provided for the Clan and they could trust him to have their backs in battle, he would make a fine warrior. “We will be heading for the western border, checking up on the territory on the way there. Remember to keep your senses alert. We won’t be ambushed by a rogue if we can scent them coming.” He watched where he placed his paws, gliding as silently as he could manage through the forest. “We will renew the scent markers along the border and hunt on our way back. If we see any cat, be on the defensive; only attack if they start the fight. Be careful,” he added. “Rogues are less likely to respect the borders than OakClan cats, which is why this border will need more attention in the early days of the Clans, until we are established and cats who do not wish to join us simply leave us alone.” [@CLIW][@OtterTerror]