[b]"Morning Shinrei."[/b] Not particularly interested in a conversation himself but he decided to at least be polite. Shinrei heard Hayato greet him even though he wanted to ignore the greeting as not to get involved his sister was around and it would be a bad influence if he didn't at least acknowledge them. Then again, that Hayato person made him feel different though he didn't quite know how. [b]"Hey."[/b] Shinrei said as he turned his cold gaze toward Hayato and with a soft voice trying not to say it in a way as he did toward other people who annoyed him. The way he said the word [i]"hey"[/i] nodding slightly afterward was stressed very simply in a tone that he would speak in toward his sister which was less cold than the demeanor he displayed toward others. Haas caught his attention for a second where he noticed they were staring at his sister for no particular reason. He kind of grumbled at himself knowing that was the same loser in his mind that was confronted by his sister. He was a bit baffled why Tsukiko took interest in such an inexperienced amateur like him? This kid looked like a slacker through and through. There was nothing that gave Shinrei the impression that he was intelligent at all. He said quietly toward himself as he groaned a little, [b]"That kid again... The way he looks at my sister is rather disturbing. Perhaps I should find out what interest he has in my sister?"[/b] He ceased talking as he questioned for a moment pondering that thought as he brushed his hand across the photo album that Hayato left him the other day then turned an eye at Hayato. [i]"I could just give it back? Though... Why would he leave me something so insignificant? I can't look at this while I'm in class. It would give people the wrong impression about me. I should wait... [/i]He said in his mind as he swept it under one of his books out of sight so no one could see it. The last thing he wanted was someone witnessing him flipping through someone's past as if he cared especially his sister. [b]"Huh?"[/b] Tsukiko questioned for a moment as she saw Haas had entered the room then was apparently staring at her for no apparent reason. She then saw Hayato right beside and then her face turned a little red from embarrassment. She thought to herself as she tried to keep her cool after Haas unusual stares just caused her to blush a little. [i]No, no, no... He's got the wrong idea. I just want Hayato to sit next to me, because my brother has shown another side of himself that he doesn't show to other people. But the way he's staring at me...[/i] She had to control herself or it would be obvious toward Haas that his staring was making her very uncomfortable. She knew it had to be because she had made a new friend. That is what she hoped was going on in his mind. Her eyes were caught by surprise when her brother immediately stood up from his seat and confronted Hayate. He grabbed something out of his bag which he kept a lot of his keepsakes in. One was a simple black ribbon that looked like one Shinrei and Tsukiko's mother wore. This wasn't something he usually did. [b]"Here, it belonged to my mother. You can use it to tie your hair back if you want. Accept it as a token of my thanks for your papercraft."[/b] He nodded at her as he handed her the ribbon then took a seat back beside his sister who had Hayato sitting right across from her. Shinrei tried to erase the memories of what that meant toward him when he turned away with a cold look on his face as if it he wanted to relieve himself of the burden of having to carry it around anymore. [b]"Shinrei..."[/b] Tsukiko stuttered as she was overtaken by the surge of surprised from her brother's generous gesture. It wasn't like him to give away something that meant a lot to him. She wanted to stop him from doing so, but he had decided on his own it was fine to part with it. [b]"That's the nicest thing he's ever done for anyone aside from myself. I knew he had a heart inside that cold exterior of his that he calls a shell which shields him from society."[/b] Tsukiko added as she stood up and offered to help Hayate use the ribbon to tie her hair with so it was in a ponytail. But if she refused she would just sit back down and say nothing. Hopefully she still accepted the gracious thing her brother did. it wasn't often he gave away mementos especially ones with large definitive meaning behind them.