[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amelia%20Scarlet%20Johnston&name=Garton.ttf&size=100&style_color=05C7F7[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Clarissa%20Nikolina%20Price&name=Eutemia.ttf&size=100&style_color=E60329[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5dk9zJeb21r5erxpo1_r1_500.gif[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Jay's Cabin [u][b]Interacting with:[/b][/u] Jay Tomers[@Altered Tundra] and Sam Krios[@MiddleEarthRoze] [/Center][hr][hr] Hearing Jay apologizing, warmed Clarissa's heart and it seemed like the troubles of yesterday left her mind-until his apology trailed off after Skye forcefully hit her, with his blue bag. Hearing the yelling and threats outside, as Sam dealt with Skye...yet again. Clarissa let out a whimper of pain; her head spinning. Hearing Sam's words, she cracked a slight smile-his humor managing to cheer her up briefly...before the pain started to set in again. [color=red] "I think, I might need something stronger than medicine and your hang-over remedy." [/color] she commented, joking along with Sam. Her brown eyes landing on Jay who rushed over to her. Feeling his hand against her neck, her skin felt bit fragile and she winced slightly in pain. Her blood dripping down her neck...slowly, but surely. [color=red] "I am sorry too..."[/color] Clarissa breathed out, looking at Jay. Her hand shakily touched his arm for support. Squeezing his arm softly, she was letting him know in silence just how sorry she felt as well...she didn't want to argue either. She couldn't stay mad at Jay for long...nor did she want to. Last night...was hard and exhausting. The drinks spoke for her too....not just the confusion and hurt of his mistakes. A part of her guessed...he had a right to be jealous on some level. But it wasn't necessary...she wasn't leaving him for someone else...nor would she want to. Sam was her best-friend, a brother figure and she knew how he felt about Amelia-she was happy for them two. Hearing Jay's apology, Amelia flashed him a soft smile. [color=lightblue] "It's okay...mistakes happen. I know you don't want to lose Rissa..take good care of her. I am sure you will anyways." [/color] she told him, patting his back as she saw him examine Clarissa's wounds. Leaving Sam with Clarissa for a few moments-she rushed off to get that towel after Jay left for the green-house. Helping Clarissa into a more comfortable position, she pressed the towel to the back of her head. The pressure stopping the bleeding, making sure to keep her head leveled. Amelia kept a watch on the time-Jay wasn't gone long, but she wondered what he was looking for.[color=lightblue] "You'll be fine...just hold on. Keep talking to me and Sam." [/color] Amelia told Clarissa softly, trying to keep her alert and awake. She smiled at her softly-she knew that Clarissa and Jay would make up. And she was glad, that they seemed to be doing better than last night. Amelia kept Clarissa talking, to her and Sam. Seeing Jay rushing into the cabin, she glanced over her shoulder. [color=lightblue] "How long will this take?" [/color] she asked curious, as she kept an eye on Clarissa. She checked her head wound, it seemed like the bleeding had stopped. But she kept the pressure for a few more moments just to be sure. Once the bleeding was completely stopped, she wiped her neck free of blood gently. Amelia checked Clarissa's wounds once again...she would be fine as soon as the healing remedy was done. Maybe just head-ache and some bruising to the neck, a little bump on the head for a while...but luckily, Clarissa didn't have a concussion and seemed to be alert. Hearing Jay order Sam, Clarissa smiled softly. [color=red] "Now, who's bossing who around?" [/color] she glanced over at both the boys, with a soft yet small smile-still feeling some pain from the incident....which was not accidental. She blinked, feeling a bit disoriented from the slight blood-loss, but not enough to pass out. But she groaned, feeling her head still throbbing. Amelia too watched Sam and Jay-smiling softly over at Sam. It wasn't her usual smile; it was more of her warm and in love type of smile. Clarissa noticed the smile, causing her to smile in return, at seeing Amelia watching Sam like that. [color=red] "So...what happened with you and Sam last night?...spill! I want the deets." [/color] Clarissa smiled, poking her arm lightly, as best as she managed from her position on the floor..