Introducing the (hopefully) One and Only: [hider=Maxus-El] [b]Hero Archetype:[/b] Inspired by Maxima [b]Name:[/b] Maxus-El [b]Alias:[/b] None taken yet, waiting to earn/be given one. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Team:[/b] YJ [hider=Powers:] All of Maxus-El’s powers derive from his Almeracian/Kryptonian physiology. Many of his powers derive from Psionics and Telekinesis, the genetic gifts from his mother; whereas others have been incorporated into his bloodline from his Kryptonian heritage, and as such are based on Solar Energy Absorption/Storage. At present, he has little experience absorbing radiation from a yellow sun. As he becomes more acclimated to it, more powers will arise from his Kryptonian heritage. As some of these powers overlap, they will reinforce and strengthen each other. [u]Force Field[/u] – Maxus-El can create a personal force field fitting closely over his skin. It incorporates a micro-environment, capable of sustaining his life even in outer space and provides amazing protection against physical attacks, even moreso against energy/radiation. This power is passive in nature and instinctive. [u]Telekinesis[/u] – Maxus-El has developed this ability in specific ways. At present, it is merely tactile until further developed. He can use it as a physical booster, temporarily increasing his strength to superhuman levels (up to 50 tons maximum weight, 1/5 Superman's carrying capacity). Additionally, he is a very proficient flier, achieving speeds comparable to commercial airliners of the day. [u]Telepathy[/u] – Line of sight, or greater if the subject's mind is known/previously contacted. Maxus-El is still learning fine control, but so far he is able to see through somebody else's eyes and/or establish and maintain a mental rapport with a subject well known to himself much farther out. As an interesting note, he has learned to use his telepathy to rapidly assimilate language skills from any mind with which he has contacted, giving him a superhuman Linguistics ability. [u]Heat Emission, Eyes[/u] – Maxus-El is capable of concussive “Heat Vision”, capable of searing through osmium steel. This is a trait common to both sides of his heritage, and will likely be the first ability to increase in power as his body adjusts to Earth’s sun. [u]Durability[/u] – Maxus-El has inherited his mother’s durability. While not true Kryptonian Invulnerability, he is superhumanly durable. In time, this ability will develop in the same manner as his other overlapping powers. [u]Solar Regeneration[/u] – The first true and purely Kryptonian power that has manifested in Maxus-El, he has the benefits of Regeneration and Self Recovery so long as he is in the presence of solar radiation. It speeds the process by which he heals on a cellular level and purges his body of impurities. Though unaware of it at this time, this power also maintains his physical integrity, keeping him in top form and giving him unforeseen longevity. [/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Kryptonite. While it will not physically weaken or kill him, the radiation will displace any stored solar energy from his body, removing his access to powers originating from, and weakening overlap powers that are reinforced by, yellow solar energy. [b]Personality:[/b] Prideful, balks under the thumb of authority. Raised on stories of his biological father, he tries to do what is right. Considering that he was raised by his mother, Maxima, it has influenced his personality away from the Superman ideal. (Brace yourself, DBZ analogy:) Think Vegeta, after joining up with Goku's group later on in the series and mellowing. [b]Appearance:[/b] Maxus-El takes after his father greatly, if not exactly; he is his mother’s child in the details only. He has black hair of middling length and bright, green eyes that tend to trail red energy when readying for combat. He is slimmer of build than his father, but still very toned and athletic. Unless additional uniform or gear is provided, he will be garbed in the black, gold and white uniform of an Almeracian Imperial Elite Soldier, devoid of rank insignia. Cape is flowing and white, detachable for less formal affairs. A gold-on-black symbol of the House of El can be found on his shoulderpiece, if somewhat abstracted, the Imperial Seal on the other. [hider=Brief Bio:] The Almeracian Royal Family had maintained its superiority and gained its powers thusfar by carefully planned and acquired couplings and/or arranged marriages for millennia. Maxus-El is the result of the coupling of Maxima and Kal-El. His biological father is unaware of his existence, and remains so. During his upbringing by Maxima and the few loyalists not destroyed alongside their civilization, he was raised to be a combatant, trained in weapons of all kinds, tactics, history, hand fighting, and technology. He is an accomplished pilot of multiple craft, atmospheric or spacecraft. Most importantly, Maxus-El was raised as a Prince, despite the fact that his mother was deposed and Brainiac destroyed their homeworld. Nonetheless, he retains the privileged status as the rightful Prince of Almerac, with the attached education and attitude. An interesting addition to his education, that his forebearers did not have – he was taught from an early age the stories of his father. Invariably, they make him out to be the Paragon of All That Which is Good and Right, an unparalleled Champion of the People. It was Maxima’s wish that he grow to one day be something like him. Unaware of the goings on with Brainiac and Metropolis, Maxima sent her son away to meet his father and join the Justice League. His heritage and training should have given him instant membership, she figured, but the idea went away the moment Maxus-El saw what was going on. He drafted himself into service with the JL, allowing them to place him where they saw fit so long as he could lend his expertise to the cause. While not ideal, he was placed with Young Justice. Maybe it was a trust issue; his mother has a checkered history with the group. Despite his training as a leader, he is willing to step back (at least for a while), owing to his novice status on the planet, let alone the team. [/hider] [hider=Notes:] Maxus-El has yet to receive a Hero Name. Not that he needs one to protect his identity, as he doesn't have a secret identity just yet, nor protect his loved ones, as he hasn't any on Earth. All the same, he wants one. Just fits with the interesting cultural practice on Earth. When flying, unless trying for maximum speed and terrain permitting, Maxus-El tends to adopt a standing posture with arms crossed. It gives him a very superior, "looking down upon the ants below" vibe. The craft he used to get to Earth is stashed far away from the action, and can be accessed in person or remotely by a piece of wearable tech. The ship's name roughly translates to "Almerac Imperial Vessel - Resolute". It can be easily accessed by one of Almeracian heritage (or their assistance), otherwise more than moderate effort is required. It is a personal conveyance, the equivalent of a luxury-class corvette; but it boasts an impressive communications and defensive package, including weapon systems and cloaking. The Resolute has serviceable living quarters for a crew of five, though it only requires one to fully operate. Sadly, with technology being easily corrupted by Brainiac, it had been sealed away along with the remote device. Immigration laws being what they are, Maxus-El is currently (in the broadest term possible) an Illegal Alien. But seriously, try to deport him. His telepathy has a lot of room to grow. At present, he is working on the ability to link several minds, providing a silent, small unit communication network untouchable by technological countermeasures. [/hider] [/hider]