[center][h3] [color=82ca9d]Rori Aherne[/color][/h3][/center] Rori looked up from where they had been sitting as the door opened, automatically going to stand up. Well their room mate was certainly... tall. But maybe it was just Rori who was small. Or it was a bit of both. Probably a bit of both considering it was a sizeable difference between them. A smile appeared on their lips, though it was something that was often just stuck there. Rori was a surprisingly happy person. "Nice to meet you, Kai," Rori responded cheerfully. They took a note of the nickname, discarding the name Kiri from their mind. They would be the last person to not respect what someone wanted to go by. After all they hated their birth name. Thankfully the school had them down under Rori. It often made things easier and gave them a lot less to explain. "I'm Rori, though you probably already know that since you would've got my name. I'm pretty sure that's what my name is under at least..." They shrugged as they realised they had continued without meaning to, smiling again. It took them a while to notice how the room was growing colder, a bitter chill causing them to move over to their newly unpacked clothing and pull out a scarf to help with the warmth. Well that certainly was odd. Good thing they had plenty of warm clothes. "I'd like to become friends too. It's always nice to get on with people, and there are quite a few in the school who would rather avoid socialising." They glanced back over at Kai. "So I'm glad that you're friendly." She then shook her head slightly. "I have clothes suited to Alaska, so I can just put on a lot of layers to keep myself warm. And the feathers help with that. It would hardly be fair to kick you out of our room!" Though it was getting quite cold. But Rori was sure Kai would learn to control this more, or something, and if not they could deal with it. Although they moved back over to pull on a hat, just in case it got even colder, Rori continued to talk. They did like talking. "How did you find the boat journey? It was quite busy, wasn't it? I'm looking forward to meeting all the new people this year." It was easy enough for them to make some kind of talk to Kai. If there was one thing Rori was good at it was being friendly. [@Mr Allen J] [hr] [center][h3][color=orange]Max Diaz [/color][/h3][/center] Max decided that it was probably the best idea to give her room mate the benefit of the doubt. When the person entered the room Max's first impression wasn't bad. At least the other girl didn't look like some goody two shoes that would try and stop Max from getting into trouble. She had been worried that whoever was in charge of the rooming would try and pair those here for good, productive reasons up with those here because of stupid NEST and it's dislike for teens with powers who were also criminals. "Yes, I'm Max, unsurprisingly. I'd rather it was Max than Maxine." Her full name was far too girly and stupid, and the only people who called her that were ignorant shits. Mostly teachers or her uncle. She looked at Pink closer again, noting the incredibly pink hair. Max wondered what the other girl would do if her hair was ever not pink. Change her nickname? Something like green didn't seem like such a good name. She noticed that Pink didn't seem to be entirely human. It didn't take long to work out what. Shark. Well that was good. Max had a better control over those kinds of powers and was unlikely to accidentally replicate Pink's. "Pink's a far better name than Abigail, so I'm quite happy to call you that." Abigail was a bit of a mouthful. Like Maxine. Max then noted the guitar. Well... She hoped that Pink wasn't planning on playing that till insanely late hours. Max had had to deal with enough music in the week Rori had been staying around. Her cousin's instrument was far less cool, however, and she guessed a guitar wasn't too bad. A violin, however, was horrible. It was all pretentious classical music. "So what you think this hell hole is going to be like? Apart from shit, of course, which is a bit obvious." [@Mr Allen J]