Granitepaw Current Location: Boulderclan camp. Interactions: [@KahleenCuthald] Boulderstar It all happened quite fast, one moment he were falling through the air towards The leader and was thinking what he guessed was a million thoughts. Then the next moment he felt a rather furry cushioned chest which he crashed into, and half a second after he was really dizzy... the sky above was spinning around and he was certain that the ground had vanished... well that was until he saw the three leaders starring at him with six eyes... he shuddered slightly in surprise as he heard the words 'Got'cha' blinking in surprsie as he wondered what in the world was going on. He had little clue as to what or how it happened but he was now on the underside of the leader and she was nudging him. Blinking quietly in a rather speechless surprise he looked around as his dizziness settled yet remained on his back for several moments as he was too confused to move. "Uhm... It felt like a nice idea at the moment..." he replied a bit embarrassed over how his awesome sneak attack had ended in him ending up surprised. However as the leader asked him if he were bored he nodded slightly. "Yeah... I'm really bored... I'm so bored, that if boredom had a name... it would be... uhm... oh yeah Granitepaw?..." he mumbled tried to be cleer as he rolled back to his feet and got up to shake off a bit. He then fell back on his soft bum and looked up at the leader. "So boss, what'cha doing?...something exciting?... something dangerous?... uhm... I suppose if you were doing something dangerous it would not be calm around here... " he asked quite casually with a happy purr, this had actually ended much better than he had expected, he didn't get scolded or something so that was really good. "So is it true that you took down a bear?, one of my play... I mean fellow apprentices said you took down a bear, and the other cats made you Leader. Does that mean I have to take down a gigantic bear if I want to become leader?" he asked, nobody really there for going with the 'ask a million questions' approach.