[color=f7941d][center] [h1] Vanessa Summevile [/h1] [h2] Some Alley in L.A, Callifornia [/h2] [/center][/color] Vanessa felt on edge after returning from the coffee shop. That guy that had sarcastically asked her too join was one of them.. Those that she did belong too. She looked around, there was no costumer in the shop and with this heat no body would soon come. ''Miss Anderson? Could I maybe go for a little walk?'' she asked. ''Oh well, it is not that busy'' the other lady said. ''Go ahead'' she then said. Vanessa smiled and took her purse, she then walked out of the store and into a alley close by. ''Okay.. Let's try this once again..'' Vanessa whispered to herself and then looked at the other side of the alley. She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she suddenly stood where she just had looked at. She did feel a little dizzy though. ''I must master this thing..'' she whispered to herself again and from her purse she took a little part of a chocolate bar. She then turned around and tried it again, this time a little closer, from where she was standing to the lantern like four feet away. She closed her eyes and felt herself knocked against the lantern pole. ''Ouch'' Vanessa said and sighed. She then though of that guy again and came to the great idea to try to find him. How, she didn't know but she wanted to know more from him. She then looked around and saw a fire stairs from a building and 'poofed' to it. She felt victorious when she actually managed to get there without ending up somewhere in the sky. She looked around and saw a lot of alleys, she then pictured her to a other balcony and from there she could see the old school and from there she also saw the guy and some other male. She looked at what happened and when the guy from the coffee shop started to run, she ran down from the fire stairs and followed them. She mostly ran normally and 'poofed' a few times. She then hided behind a wall as the guy was held under shot. Being pretty rude or not, she knew she could help him and she had to do it. She looked behind the man and 'poofed' to it yet crashed into some trashcans and made a lot of noise. The man with the 9mm turned around to look at her. ''Hi!'' she said and smiled. ''I would like you to put that thing down... Someone could get wounded'' she said and smiled. [hider=People involved] [@FunnyGuy] [/hider]