[center][h3][color=#6DB224]Gabriel Aeckard[/color][/h3] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uJc1t1Ym.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Making their way downtown, walking fast, faces past and they're forestbound [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] A Dryad struggling to catch up[/center] [hr][hr] One of the first things Gabriel learned to adjust when he arrived in Utah, was his walking speed. He was already long legged, so his natural gait was pretty big. Add to that the mindset of a asocial New Yorker with no time to spare, and you get a guy that casually speed walked all over the place. But, he was quick to realize how much slower things moved in this town, as well as how small the place seemed to him. It definitely didn't feel as big as the city. He felt he had most of the important places and landmarks mapped out within the first few days of being there. He learned to slow down as he started hanging out with Mala, after noticing how much trouble she would have matching his pace with her short legs. It conjured up a brief memory, of how she used to complain as she scampered to keep up with him. The fragment of thought made him chuckle on the inside. Even then, he had a tendency to fall back into old habits when he was on campus, mostly due to never wanting to be there long. Doubly so on a off day. “H-hey-!” Mala had to interject as Gabe quietly started speeding off. He couldn't help it. He had to walk all the way across campus to get to the center that sold food. And it was a typical school day, so the grounds were definitely filled with other students and individuals in-between classes and whatnot. So the partial anxiety of being out in public made Gabe eager to get in, get what he needed, and get out. He'd be sure to apologize to his traveling companion after he got some food in his system. [color=#6DB224]“Don't wait up.”[/color] He mumbled, quickly entering the building. Ordering meals took about as long as flashing your student I.D. and picking from the menu. [color=#6DB224]“To go, please.”[/color] Gabriel mumbled, not very keen on hanging around. He considered himself lucky he didn't have to stand on any lines. [color=#6DB224]“Thanks.”[/color] He quickly grabbed his breakfast burrito and bounced on out of there. Outside, he was greeted by one irritated wood nymph, sporting all the classic telltale signs of a unhappy individual. The crossed arms, the peeved grimace, the tapping foot, Mala pulled out all the stops. [color=#6DB224]“S-sorry ‘bout that.”[/color] Gabe apologized sheepishly, like a puppy who had just been scolded. She slapped the denim of his jacket. “Seriously Gabe, it's really annoying. You [i]know[/i] I'm short.” She added, giving him one last disapproving look before the two began making their way off campus. “Now, what I was gonna say (before I was so [i]rudely interrupted[/i]), was that you should put in a application at the nursery.” She suggested like a mother unsatisfied with her unemployed son. It was a quaint little garden center located on a southeast edge of the town, the place he met Mala. “One of the other girls working there took off, said she was moving back to Tulsa. So, now we're short a person.” She added. Gabriel couldn't help but smirk at the coincidence. [color=#6DB224]“I was just thinking about makin’ money a few minutes ago...”[/color] He replied, liking the idea. Mala smiled, liking that he liked the idea. “It'd be good for you, Gabe. It'll keep you busy and out of trouble on days like this, you'll make some coin, and you could tend to all the plants you could want! I can even have you doing stocking work, so you don't have to deal too much with customers. Trust me, you'll be in your element there. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you.” She added with a wink. Mala really dressed it up for him, made the work sound really good. Sounded like there were virtually no downsides to the proposal. [color=#6DB224]“Yeah, okay.”[/color] He complied to her wishes, even if it wasn't too apparent on his face. “Cool! But uh...we’re going the wrong way though.” She piped up quizzically, realizing they were going out of town rather than in. [color=#6DB224]“I know. I wanna eat first.”[/color] He replied, blatantly passing his apartment building. The more they walked, they closer they got to the barrier’s edge, and into the thick forests that laid beyond.