Compared to the agile female's speed, Genrit's maneuvering through the air was ungainly at best. But when he let the warm air spill out from under his wings and powered himself on a collision course with the un-named green, falling much more heavily than she anticipated with both of his stomachs full and a thick hide of metal-infused scale, she couldn't get out of the way in time. The pair tumbled to the earth, the green dragon flailing and snarling viciously as she bit at Genrit and raked at his gut with her back talons. Blood blossomed out of the deep gouge in her neck, bone and torn muscle glinting in the sunlight. The blood was falling around them as tiny red droplets. Given time the wound would have likely been a mortal one if she lived long enough for her heart to pump it all out. More acid splattered out of her maw, joining the gory cloud around them. The leviathans struck the ground with a concussion that rippled out through the smoky, burning forest and shivered the surface of the lake. The huge trees splintered under the sledgehammer blow, doing nothing to soften the fall. The female dragon's body cracked and squished under Genrit, nearly everything inside her rupturing at once. Blood sprayed messily out of her mouth and nostrils. [color=39b54a]"At least you'll never find my hoard, codfish!"[/color] And she gave a last twitch before she sagged in death, her fangs locked into his neck. And the huge white male hadn't escaped harm. The acid sizzled in the sudden silence, still eating away at his scales and the layers of meat underneath. Something in his hind leg had broken, leaving it mobile but excruciatingly painful.