Hot blood still rushed through Halbera’s veins, regardless of her calm composure combat always proved to send adrenaline rushing through her body. Her cheeks red with exertion and her breathing heavy as her red hair had been pulled free from the bun she had twisted her hair into before the battle had begun. With the sickening sound of metal sliding through flesh she pulled her sword free from the tattooed screamer’s armpit and let him slump to the ground into a heap that slowly began to pool blood. She looked around where she saw a couple dead squires, a knight and even more dead screamers. She had killed two of them herself, she remembered the fierce fighting and the clash of weapons, the screams of the dying as they slaughtered each other. Leaning down she slide the flat sides of sword across the pants leg of the screamer wiping the crimson vital essence off, which stained the once earth brown pants. She looked up taking a deep breath before sliding the broadsword into the sheath on her hip. Clicking her tongue she listened closely wondering where any further fighting was likely taking place and heard in the distance the sound of swords clashing, but also the sound of something like thunder. Hurriedly she ran grabbing the reins of her warhorse that knew better than to run from combat. Yanking herself into saddle and clicking her tongue three times. The horse named Rogal began to gallop towards the sounds. What Halbera found was the complete opposite of what she expected to find, some ragtag group and a single knight. She was just raising her hand and about to yell out some some creatures came thundering through and she watched in horror as her fellow knight was crushed into the dirt along with his horse. She pulled the reins to make a complete stop and watched as they continued. Slowly she dismounted her horse and walked sideways staring at the crushed body on the ground between the legs of the many beasts running through the area. Reaching up she put a hand to her chest regretting the very wasteful way the knight died, when she noticed a tear in her clothes and looked down able to see the chainmail underneath, it had it’s own scratches. She then realized she had come very closer to her chest being pierced. “This… This is such a waste. Obviously… They will be in need of a new knight.. I will have to take over I suppose.” She further composed herself and took a deep breath as she waited, watching and stared at the herd of creatures rushing through the brush destroying everything in their path.