[img]https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/10850255_782579711803327_8880033174519657065_n.jpg?oh=a715c39461419827c213e1dc51700426&oe=56D48F67[/img] [[i]Photo of Gideon / Date Taken: unknown / Area Taken: unknown[/i]] Gideon Alexander Archimedes Standing at around 5'10, 175 lb., Gideon is a skinny, yet built, black haired mystery, at just past his mid-twenties. Light skinned, with deep blue eyes, Gideon has a reputation as a handsome charmer, but mainly seems to keep to himself. Quiet and collected, Gideon prides himself on letting his actions speak for him. Not too fond of people who are all talk and no action, Gideon can be diplomatic if needed, but prefers to deal with his problems hands on. Gideon is a Freelancer, and to most people who know him, is a complete enigma. With a history like a ghost, Gideon just seemed to appear one day, and has been roaming throughout the territories ever since. Never in one place for more than a week, Gideon travels the continents in what seems to be a search for something, but nobody knows what. Rumor has it that perhaps Gideon is searching for something linked to before the end of the old world, but as of yet, nothing has been fully revealed. Without a background, and with no close acquaintances to tell his stories to, Gideon remains a quiet mystery. ---- Gideon carries on him two weapons, both of which seem to hold special places to him. The first, an old sword, appearing to be of a similar build to a Civil War cavalry sword. The sword is always in wonderful condition, appearing to be regularly maintained. In combat situations, Gideon seems to prefer his sword over any other weapon, and is highly skilled with it. The second weapon is an antique Colt Model 1858, which he keeps fully loaded and in a holster on his hip. It appears that he only uses it in extreme situations, but he seems to be a perfect shot with it. The only other equipment he carries with him is a backpack, of which the contents are anything from supplies, to clothes, to scavenged items.