Okay I just wanna start off by saying...my title...is clever as fuck!!! I'll bet you anything it's been done before but I don't care! Anywho! I'm looking for a Rp partner/partners I suppose. I've Rped in the past but not so much anymore. I'd like to try and get myself back into it. I bet I'm a little rusty when it comes to the spelling and grammar....I'm not even sure I'm spelling grammar right but I'm tired and I couldn't care less right now. Now as for what I'm looking for, I'm not sure. I kinda wanna bring some of my old characters back but I think I'm gonna start fresh. If I can get back into this I'll most likely bring them back but for now I'm gonna make some new ones. Then again people reading this don't really give a damn about my characters....since we've never Rped. Anywho! I pull a lot of my inspiration for my role plays from the Final Fantasy games. If you haven't noticed by my username I like Final Fantasy 7.....who am I kidding I LOVE Final Fantasy 7! OH MY GOD FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!....sorry. Anywho! So when I Rp you'll see me mixing Fantasy with Sci-Fi shit because like I said I pull a lot of inspiration from those games. Right now I'm just looking for some one to kinda brain storm with. Looking through other peoples interest checks I've noticed a lot of you post rules so I guess I'll do the same. 1. First rule about Rping don't talk about Rping... 2. Second rule about Rping don't talk about Rping....XD OMG I love myself! I full of shitty bad puns that's been used thousands of times! Seriously though let's get on with these rules. 3. When it comes to post length I don't really have one. Some times I can post up to five paragraphs and other times I post barely one paragraph. I'm not gonna get butt hurt if I give you a long ass post of four or five paragraphs and then you give me back like one. 4. Romance...in the past I really hated it. Like for a while it seemed like everyone I Rped with tried to force that shit. STOP IT! It's okay at times but when you try to force it on every single one of my characters I'm going to get annoyed. Just let it happen slowly, when it comes to romance in Rp it gets rushed WAY too much. You know it's true. Oh and if I'm Rping with a guy I won't do Romances. I have nothing against same sex relationships that's just not how I Rp. Don't like it....BITE ME!!!....Unless you happened to be a zombie. 5. I prefer my partners are able to juggle more then one character. It's not a must but that's how I Rp. You'll see me using many different characters at once. Meaning main characters, side characters, and NPCs. 6. Mature themes...ummmm I really don't care about them. Gore and sex I could do with or without. However I'm not gonna do a full blown....haha....blown....What? Anywho! I won't do full blown sex scenes where everyone can see them. That has to be done in PMs. Gore I don't care where that's done. 7. Fandoms....I don't care for them. Unless it's Pokémon. Simple enough. Yeah I can't think of anymore rules. If I think of anymore I'll most likely add them. Anywho! I look forward to hearing from people!!! Let me know if you're interested in rping and or brain storming! P.S. I sat anywho.....A LOT!!! I also use tons of puns.