Sunflame nodded in reply. "I would love to," he replied cheerfully. Even if he was neither a hunter nor fighter, it was always nice to get out of camp. Besides, any help he could provide was a chance to prove his worth as warrior. His kittypet roots were no secret, and he made no effort to keep them hidden. He had even kept his old collar during his temporary loner days, losing it only when he found the clans. Still, Sunflame knew the prejudice against those with pasts like his and he was determined to prove them wrong. Sunflame's tail flicked and he gave Burrpelt a joking nudge. "So," he began in a teasing tone, "I couldn't help but notice your little...interactions...with certain she-cats." [hr] Roseclaw rolled her eyes at Copperpaw's barrage of questions. Starclan, could the young tom talk. "No one's sick, thank goodness. An injury or illness is the last thing we need," she answered dismissively. "Today we're going to see how well you know your herbs." The terrain grew rocky and uneven as they walked. Roseclaw kept her pace steady and swift, her destination clear in mind. The other day she had come across several bunches of herbs close to one spot, all surprisingly abundant considering the mountainous area. It was an ideal place to stock up or, in this case, teach an apprentice. Roseclaw paused before a bush with thin leaves and blueish berries. "What do you think this one is?" she questioned as she gestured to the juniper berries with her tail. [hr] Vinetail trekked confidently through woods, tail raised high and eyes alert. He paused when he noticed Aspenclaw lagging behind and turned to him. "Everything alright?" the younger tom asked the older cat. It was clear from his slowed steps and labored breathing that his age was catching up with him. Vinetail turned and took a small step towards his companion, ready to help when needed. [hr] Ripplepaw stared at her mentor, tail twitching with hesitation. She was not fond of the idea of attacking her mentor, a cat whom she held much respect for. But if it was necessary, then so be it. She circled Nightmist, paws barely making a sound. Ripplepaw's eyes remained locked onto her still form. Twice she went around, the small cat searching for an opportunity. Then, with little warning, she leapt and lunged at Nightmist from behind. [hr] Ravenfeather dipped her head in greeting, relaxing as Boulderstar fell into step beside her. Though the clan was new, she did a good job of holding it together. She really was a good leader; one that Ravenfeather was proud to follow. "The kits are fine, although it seems Owlkit has disappeared." [I]Again, [/I]Ravenfeather silently added. "Hopefully he hasn't gotten himself into any trouble." The black queen pricked her ears in surprise as a blur sped towards the leade. She bit back a purr of amusement as Granitepaw crashed into Boulderstar. Ravenfeather's intimidatingly sharp amber eyes bore into the apprentice. A part of her wanted to scold him, but another part decided to humor him. "A bear?" She raised her head so that she reached her full height. "I thought she defeated [I]two."[/I]