[hider=Eevy Hunt] [b]Screen Name:[/b] Sohtem [b]Character you wish to play:[/b] Eevy Hunt [b]Race :[/b] Human [b]Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc):[/b] Republic [b]Background (list the history of your character here):[/b] Eevy was born on Coruscant and came from a substantially wealthy family but not overly so; main reason that her parents had aspired to a slightly wealthy life-style was because they did not have a lot when they were children and just wanted to be able to give their daughter all the things that they never were given. Eevy's force abilities started to show one day when she was about four years of age, her mother had been watching the news when she had noticed from the corner of her eye that her daughter's blocks were floating and looked over to see Eevy manipulating the blocks and giggling at the sight of them floating around. Naturally her father was told about her abilities and they agreed that she should try to be trained as a Jedi and soon set out to have her trained, when she was accepted, she began a long and arduous training as a Jedi. She quickly excelled at her combat training and did moderately well in her force training, she sometimes could be a tad brash in wanting to learn new skills and abilities before she even finished the ones she was learning, but she always completed her tasks in the end, so her master didn't see anything wrong with that. Eventually at the age of fifteen, she became a padawan and went on her first real assignment with her master, Kasari Soloman. It was supposed to have been a simple diplomatic mission, however that wasn't the case, a sith had been on the planet to disrupt the terms of sale that would've benefited the Republic with cheaper resources. A fight ensued between the sith and Kasari with Eevy, it had been a close fight with her master nearly being killed and Eevy herself losing half of her forearm and hand, trying to protect her master, but the sith had been beaten back to a retreat and they received medical treatment and Eevy a new cybernetic arm. She's now twenty-one years old and a full fledged knight, her skills more refined as well as her maturity, not to mention not being ash brash as she used to be when it came to entering a fight without thinking, her arm reminding her everyday how she fought the sith without thinking as well as almost being killed and now tries to ensure that doesn't happen again and she thinks through her next course of action. [b]Character Class (choose one):[/b] Force Sensitive [b]Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, Wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):[/b] A lightsaber with a purple blade, black glove on her right hand, small med kit on a belt. [b]Character Personality (Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):[/b] She is more thoughtful when it comes to combat though very skilled at it as well as moderately skilled with the force, sometimes in the heat of the moment she can be brash and not attack with precision. She's naive when it comes to the more political matters, thinking sometimes that action should be had instead of talk; also very protective of her master, sometimes to the point of it being a liability. [b]Character Alignment (Choose one):[/b] Light Side [b]Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:[/b] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/797e/i/2008/096/6/6/jaina__s_quest___wip_by_josephb222.jpg[/img] [b]Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):[/b] Eevy slowly regained consciousness, her vision slightly blurry and her head pounding as a small amount of blood ran down the side of her face; she looked over to where the fight had been happening and saw the sith slowly approaching her master who had also been knocked out and was unconscious. She slowly got to her feet as she recovered from the force attack that had knocked her out earlier, although a little shaky, she finally did it and then looked up to see the sith turn his saber downward and then raise it up, getting ready to thrust the blade down into Kasari. “No!” Eevy screamed, quickly reaching out with the force to bring her saber to her, igniting it and then force leaping into the air, ready to slam her blade down on the sith that was trying to kill her master. The sith looked surprised as he heard her scream and almost didn't have time to block her attack but just managed and then smirked at her as he blocked the flurry of attacks she launched at her. “Heh, you fight like a child.” The sith taunted at her, making her only angrier, which caused her to miss a few openings that her wild attacks opened up. The sith then force pushed her again, though only causing her feet to slide against the ground as she blocked most of it, “I won't let you kill me master!” She exclaimed, looking over to her unconscious master before back at the sith with anger. Not thinking straight with her master's life on her mind, she quickly charged back towards the sith, ready to pierce him with her blade. “As if you could stop me young one, you're weak, just like your master and such things must be eradicated from the galaxy.” The sith chuckled before seeing Eevy charge at him, blocking another barrage of attacks, though being surprised when she force pushed him into a pillar, and then dodging as she narrowly decapitated him. “Well, I guess you're not as weak as I thought, but you're still no match for me.” He smirked as he gazed and the now slightly exhausted Eevy. “You'll...not think that...when you're dead.” She spoke as she tried to catch some of her breath, however before she could recover the stamina she wasted, the sith took his chance to go on the offense, slashing at her with more precision and knocking her defense away a few times. “Only a sith can master hatred to work for him he grinned eagerly, his eyes intense with a yellow glow with an intent to kill Eevy. She tried her best to keep up her defense, but with her stamina nearly drained, the sith finally broke through, knocking away her lightsaber from her torso and then quickly slashed down the middle of her right forearm, severing it from the rest of her arm. [/hider]