Ethan was just glad to have gotten out of there in one piece. Considering how strong those two were they could have ended up awfully injured for it, yet Remus had let them go. Why was that? It seemed like both of them wanted to attack, why not team up and do it? Instead they were fighting each other now and they'd gotten away. Furrowing his brow as he mulled over it in confusion he moved to wrap up his hand, pausing when Amuné grabbed his hand to inspect the burn. "Heh... It's only a little burn, it's not that bad," Ethan lied, using his good hand to ruffle the Ydran's hair playfully, "I just need to wash it out and I'll be fine, don't you worry about it." Truthfully it stung something fierce and felt like it was still burning, kind of similar to a sting from a wasp only greater. What she said next about becoming ill made him confused, but perhaps she meant the wound would get infected and lead him to get sick. Strange though, it wasn't the first time she had said something off like that, he just chalked it up again to her perception of what happened. Aside from his small burns he was fine, but what about Cecil? Last time he'd expended a great deal of energy their friend had all but collapsed in on himself, hopefully that didn't happen this time around. Looking at the Machina worriedly he shook his head when Cecil asked about himself, even if there was no concrete answer to the question. "It's not a problem, honest. It's the same as if someone got sick, we don't get mad at them or call them a problem for it. And maybe you were made to protect people, not just kill? Yeah you can fight, but who said fighting is just to kill? Maybe it's just to make people back off." You certainly didn't have to take a life to win a fight, and Cecil seemed like he could do that well; getting shocked was an awful experience yet it wouldn't kill you outright, it probably made a great deterrent for anyone trying to fight him. Watching Cecil lay back and relax Ethan gave his friend a sympathetic smile, sitting with his legs crossed as he rubbed at his hand gingerly. "Hey, we're going to figure all this out right? Somewhere out here is the place you came from, and they'll have all the answers you want." Speaking of answers Nymira would love to have some right about now. Ethan may be dismissive of what had happened but she'd heard Amuné, how she had somehow known what those creatures were capable of. While the imbecile Muran was playing off his injury anyone could see the sweat forming on his brow or his skin become somewhat paler, clear signs that he'd contracted an illness. Grabbing hold of the girl's arm she gently pulled her aside, smiling kindly to convey she meant no harm by it. "Amuné, I have a question for you little one, and I'd like an honest answer please..." she whispered, not wanting to make this a public discussion. Releasing the child's arm she placed her hands on her knees and crouched down, coming eye to eye with the girl. "You knew Ethan was going to be sick, and that those monsters were dangerous. Unless you've fought them before that would be impossible. So then... Care to tell me how you knew?" In all of her years she'd never encountered anything like those creatures, those slimes or abominations, whatever you wanted to call them. The fact then a child barely old enough to know the world was aware of them was incredibly confusing. By this time those children should be long gone by now. Good, Remus had very little intentions of actually seeing this battle through. Beating the Varuna wasn't too daunting a task for him, he was more concerned with the effects his killing one of his associates might have. Deflecting another creature and shattering it on the beach with a torrent of water, the Magi frowned and held up his hands, causing the Varuna to withhold their attack in confusion. "Us fighting isn't going to solve anything. I was mistaken to attack you, but I couldn't let you kill them. You understand, I'm sure?" Letting out a hiss of frustration the Varuna slammed its staff against the water, then proceeded to storm across the surface while pointing at the large Muran. "Ssssselfish human deniesss me my prize! Then try to defend sssself?" What arrogance! These surface dwellers were all like that, thinking they came before those below and deserved everything first! Keeping to the water he looked up at Remus' emotionless face before scoffing, knowing too how moot it was for them to fight. While killing one of the others would make his job easier it wouldn't be easy, and doing so might make him a target in turn. "Thissss fight is pointlesss, but I will not forgive you sssso easily. If you get in my way again I will kill you, Muran. I will not allow anyone to sssstand in my way." Infuriated but reserved to move on the Varuna turned and stormed back the way he had come, knowing he now had to report back with a failure. But then so did Remus, and he'd have to explain why he'd interfered. If either of them were disciplined, he reflected with a grin, it would be that man. Chuckling with delight the Varuna then dove back into the river, speeding along upstream the way it had come. Well that was bothersome, and now he'd likely dug himself a hole as a result. No one back at the Church was going to be pleased with his actions today, Remus knew as much already. He'd have to use the excuse of wanting to finish the fight from before, there was nothing more he could say on the subject. As if they didn't expect their fighters to get into brawls like that, sending them out unchecked into the world to do their dirty work. He loathed being a pawn but it was necessary, it was the only way he could accomplish what he sought to do. Sighing to himself the old man took one glance at his burned hands and realized it was poison, sniffing in disgust before digging through his pouch and pulling free the leaves of a plant, stuffing one in his mouth and chewing it to a pulp. Once done he spread the pulp along the burns and let it sit, knowing it would draw forth the venom and soothe the injury itself. A man who used both creatures of the void and poison to fight, what a loathsome creature...