"You should have been looking where you were going!" The girl responded angrily and it took a second for Dora to jump up and off the girl. Bowing apologetically. "I am so sorry once more. I should have been more carefully. You are absolutely right." Doroteja looked unsure but then deiced anyway to offer her hand to the girl to help her stand up. "Ah you cloths are dirty because of me." She had all right to be angry at her, biting her own lower lip.Dora could just go off and focus delivering the package. But... that wouldnt be polite towards this person. Leaving her just like that would not feel right. Bowing her head in apologize once more Doroteja spoke once more. "As it is my fault please do not hesitate to ask me for something to make my mistake right. Please. My name is Doroteja Tin Pololaniker. I would have liked to meet you in a better situation, but it is how it is. "