Daz pulled himself into a sitting position as others began to arrive. There were so few of them... [quote=@Emma] [color=bc8dbf][b]"Hey can you hear me open your eyes. I need you to wake up! Hey look at me."[/b][/color] She said earnestly to him. Telepathically she called out to the other Deves around her [color=bc8dbf][i]'Need some help over here, if you can manage.'[/i][/color] [/quote] Cursing under his breath, but knowing he had to help despite how sore and tired he was, Daz scuttled the short distance to the man's side. He was bleeding heavily, and the woman who'd called for help was attempting to staunch the bleeding as best she could. Luckily the man seemed to regain consciousness, [i]and[/i] a sense of out of place humor that tempted Daz to tape the man's mouth shut, not that it would help given he was also telepathic. Daz mentally began taking stock off them. There were six of them in all, two young girls who'd been all but dragged from the facility by a woman about Daz's age; Brittany, Tina, and Bunny. He plucked their names straight from their own minds, perhaps the easiest thing to do with his powers, and then turned to the other two. Both Lucas and Alisha were around his age, and a little worse for wear, though it was obvious by the bruising that Lucas had had a close quarters run in. [COLOR=FF3300][i]What do you need?[/i][/COLOR] He asked them telepathically. He didn't have the slightest idea how to treat a gun shot wound, the best he could come up with was to see if the bullet was still in and then get it out if it was, but he was likely to do more damage if he tried himself so he held his tongue. [COLOR=FF3300][i]Don't suppose anyone knows a doctor?[/i][/COLOR] He posed half joking and half serious, it was unlikely but he would gladly cheer an affirmative answer. Yuck, this was not going to be fun.