Rachel raised an eyebrow in pleasant surprise as they found themselves, looking at naked Mako and Royce. The usually cold and professional acting trabian SeeD smirked devilishly as she patted Xerox on the shoulder.[b][color=00a651]” Good job…”[/color][/b] [color=00a651][b]“Neither… Xerox, pulled all inorganic matter before us and stored it away… leaving them in their most natural state… And it seems someone was carrying implants within his body…”[/b][/color] She said as she made a few steps to stop over Royce… She wanted to play with Mako, but since he was out cold, that was not possible right away.[color=00a651][b]” Ohh don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easily…”[/b][/color] She said to Royce and gave an evil grin.[color=00a651][b]” Xerox… prepare medical equipment, also confine that fool that’s out cold over there… I’m going to deal with him later… For now I’m going to deal with this one.”[/b][/color] She said and quickly jumped towards the nearby corpse of an galbatian soldier, stripping his chest armor and with a knife quickly starting to open his chest so she can get as fast as she can to the heart inside.[color=00a651][b]” I’m going to get us some important people to… interrogate later… “[/b][/color] She said as she was already covered with blood up to the elbows.[color=00a651][b]” Usually this operation takes hours… with some potions and specialized equipment I can get him ‘patched up’ and ready for transportation in minutes… though he will require medical attention as soon as we get away from here. Side effects of improper work now doens't matter as long as we get our intel People who work without morals... don't deserve moral treatment.”[/b][/color] [color=00a651][b]“Oi… you… the newly arrived… come here and help me with this one… I want to get this guy a new heart and have him patched up before we start to escape this place.”[/b][/color] Rachel stated to those who just arrived.[color=00a651][b]" Xerox, we will need something to carry this fool on."[/b][/color]