Okie dokies. Arena and I have discussed and decided upon a story line that will conclude this part of the story and lead into the next. However I would like to know who will be participating in the next saga and what are your ideas for your character (s). So to end this, our heroes were victorious. The ambush that was waiting for the group in the mountains retreated due to the horrible defeat they suffered in town, and needed to regroup. When the group makes it back to town, they hand over the artifact to Genevieve. Most of the group go about their own business, whether it is to leave town, or linger, go about their duties as guardsmen, etc. [@Letter Bee], what transposed in your collaboration will still take place. Genevieve tells the story of a another key, and rumors of where it is hidden. She would assign Isabeau the task of searching for this other key. Isabeau would have the option of going alone or taking a small group to aid her. ((These are all details of the aftermath and in between, so should any of you decide to accompany her, it would only be reflected in the 25 year gap additions to your characters.)) Isabeau would spend the next 5 years seaching, chasing lead after lead, and always coming up empty handed. She would return to Waeldeshore, but ahh, there is something different. During their time away from the port town, any who stayed by her side would've noticed a change in Genevieve. She grew aggressive, and had much more of a presence than she once did. She even took it upon herself to track down and kill Jeltheor. Waeldeshore praised her as a hero, and even awarded her title of advisor to whoever ended up taking the mantel of Lord Marshall. An argument erupted between Isabeau and Genevieve, one that struck such a chord that Isabeau stormed out of the town, and hasn't been seen since. Coincidentally, some very important items went missing from Genevieve's private chambers. Things that Genevieve spent the last 20 years searching for, disappearing from Waeldeshore and the fame she acquired. Now into present time of the next rp, Genevieve would send out personal letters to each of the surviving warriors that helped save Waeldeshore all those years ago, asking for their help once more. Characters are to gather at the location disclosed in the letter (details to be determined). I believe some of you had stated intentions of making new characers so I just wanted to check on that, as well as what everyone thought of this.